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Literature (noun) lit - er - ah - tchure
From the Latin for 'letters'. Literature is quite literally the 'letters' (writings) of brilliant minds.
Linguistics (noun) ling - gwis - ticks
In Latin the word for tongue is literally 'lingua'
Riveting (adj) rih - vet - ing
The French root "rivet" literally means river.
Evocative (adj) eev - ok - ah - tive
Builds strong images in the mind
Tedious (adj) tee - dee - us
Captivating (adj) cap - tih - vayt - ing
You have to read it because of English lessons
As in 'taken captive'
Bibliomania (noun) bib - lee - oh - mayne - ee - uh
An obsession with books / reading
A hatred of books / reading
The best word for the second option is just 'laziness.'
Classic (noun) class - ik
Something that old people like and remember from childhood
Judged over a period of time to be important / high quality
Author surrogate (noun) suh - roe - gayte
A character that the author always uses, like Sherlock Holmes for Arthur Conan Doyle
When the main character is directly based on the author
Tsundoku (noun) sun - doe - koo
The state of letting books pile up without ever reading them.
The satisfying feeling after having finished a book.
This word is obviously Japanese, but I threw it in for fun. I personally wish there were a word for the second option.