Can you name these ten chess openings by its notation?
- difficulty easy (for chessplayers) - Answers can be given in English or german
- Easter egg included
You should probably add more moves for the King's Indian Defense, as the move order shown could be either a King's Indian or a Gruenfeld depending on black's d-pawn moving to d6 or d5. Also, for the Ruy Lopez the notation needs to be corrected.
I'm a bit late but I suggest you change the notation in the Evan's Gambit of bishop movements. I've never seen anyone use the letter L to notate bishops in modern notation.
Very nice quiz, only one criticism: You should maybe add yellow boxes so that one has to be specific and cannot randomly guess. Oh, and I think Spanish Opening should be accepted for Ruy Lopez as well :)
Thanks, you might have been the first one who really took this quiz ;)