Hint | Answer | % Correct |
You see it almost every day - S | Sol | 85%
The Dog Star - S | Sirius | 69%
One of a set of Roman twins - C | Castor | 46%
The other twin - P | Pollux | 42%
Don't say it out loud three times - B | Betelgeuse | 38%
In Boötes constellation; brightest in northern hemisphere - A | Arcturus | 35%
An old Chevy; featured in Sagan's "Cosmos" - V | Vega | 35%
"The Follower;" in the Taurus constellation - A | Aldebaran | 27%
The second nearest star to us - P | Proxima Centauri | 27%
Brightest star in Orion - R | Rigel | 27%
"The Heart of the Scorpion" - A | Antares | 12%
A large dog - C | Canis Majoris | 8%
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