Can you guess all the one-syllable words rhyming with "cow" that appear in the Scrabble dictionary? Contains many words whose base pronunciation is British English so think globally!!!!
Not counting rare alternate spelling or words of questionable veracity
"In American and Canadian English, plow is the preferred spelling of the farm implement and its related verbs. Plough is the preferred spelling in the main varieties of English from outside North America." - Grammarist.
@ kalbahamut - Row is a pretty common word in the UK to be honest. Maybe it's overused in the middle east, but you'll see it in plenty of newspaper headlines here too.
Agree with "slue" for the American Mid-South when referring to a marshy area, or if used as a snake shedding its skin, then it is pronounced as "sluff". I don't think proper names should be allowed or too many variations would appear - Howe, Rowe, Yao, Lau, Mao, Prough, etc. BTW, we also pronounce Tau as "Taw" here, but it was the only Greek letter that came near so I got the answer.
Both pronunciations are acceptable. Even according to the American dictionary (Webster). "Slew" is a minority pronunciation however, in global terms. Good job quizmaster.
In Scrabble, proper nouns are not accepted, so that eliminates Lao/Laos and Mao; foreign words are not accepted unless so commonly used in English they are considered loaner words, so that's why ciao but not frau or shao; trow is deemed archaic; and finally, the instructions now say one-syllable if it didn't before, so that explains why no meow. But don't blame the quizmaker; he's just using the Scrabble dictionary, which is a very peculiar dictionary indeed!
I tried that and it gave me credit for another answer, Then I thought maybe I got the spelling wrong so tried bough, got the credit for yet another answer haha. Tried a third time but no cigar so gave up cause I coulldnt think of the answer (have heard of it before though)
I think replacing "Food" with "Eat" would make more sense. I hear people say "chow" when they mean "to eat" more often than when they mean just "food". More people may get that one then.
Dao is the more modern spelling of the word, based off the now-widespread Pinyin Romanization. The spelling Tao is from the older Wade-Giles Romanization. Dao should be accepted. Dhao, however, is not a word. Anything with Bh, Dh, or Gh combinations is usually from the languages of the Indian Subcontinent (e.g., Bhagavad Gita, Buddha, Ghazal), and represents a murmured-voiced articulation of a consonant. Lastly, Mao does rhyme with cow, but it's a proper noun, so that's probably why it's not in here.
You have "Ouch" and "Ouch!" as separate clues. Why not combine them? Also, you have "Indian Ocean boat", which doesn't count as a "Type of boat". Maybe you could be more specific for the "Type of boat" clue?
Okay, my 70-year-old dictionary does allow for the pronunciation of "clough" to rhyme with "cow," thought I've never heard it pronounced that way, and my long-ago friend Mr. Clough pronounced it "cluff." When I opened that page in the dictionary, I happened upon the word "clow," which apparently was a type of sluicegate, so there's another one.
and dao is not a rare alternate spelling of tao. It's an extremely common alternate spelling.
This is why I'm here; to learn.
Although, Dao/Dhao and Mao (as in Mao Zedong, unless that's a weird pronunciation) could be added to this quiz.
And why do we have to enter "plough" and "plow" separately? They're alternative spellings of the same thing.
Best to just click "Take untimed". It skews the statistics, but so does not being able to finish.