Suggested Quizzes

Countries of the World Quiz0-5.0038,948,566
US States Quiz0-5.0014,074,268
U.S. State Capitals Quiz0-4.991,474,902
Canada Provinces and Territories0-4.99278,377
World Currency Quiz0-4.92238,791
South America Capitals Quiz0-4.99403,944
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98415,050
Counties of England0-4.96653,484
Tourist Attractions by U.S. State0-4.4359,550
Mediterranean Countries Quiz0-4.99181,340
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,485
Countries with the Most Tourists Quiz0-4.93342,063
Africa Capitals Quiz0-4.99606,061
Busiest Airports in the United States0-4.47123,985
Flags of Europe Quiz0-4.99993,491
Flags of Asia Quiz0-4.99500,736
Europe Cities Map Quiz0-4.99328,119
States of Mexico0-4.92131,180
States of India0-4.92143,633
Countries that Border Poland0-4.99154,634
Countries that Border China0-4.96227,585
Australian States and Territories0-4.97114,433
Top World Languages0-4.89660,202
Biggest Cities in New Zealand0-4.5622,321
Countries of Africa0-5.002,051,182
Countries of North America Quiz0-5.00833,756
Counties of Ireland0-4.91151,463
World's Busiest Airports0-4.90183,799
Europe's Busiest Airports0-4.91128,580
Countries Bordering France0-4.83348,238
UK Immigration by Country0-4.93121,543
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99332,656
Busiest Air Routes from the U.S.0-4.4470,368
Central American Countries0-4.96134,253
North America Capitals Quiz0-4.99177,616
Capitals of Oceania Quiz0-4.99216,182
States of the U.S. in Alphabetical Order0-4.98332,092
Airport Codes Quiz #10-4.80171,480
Asia Capitals Quiz0-4.98567,926
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,223
Countries Bordering Saudi Arabia0-4.95109,524
Countries Bordering Brazil0-4.97121,438
Countries Bordering Turkey0-4.99106,159
Countries Bordering Austria0-4.97107,641
Cities by Airports0-4.4478,906
Countries Bordering India0-4.98153,223
Biggest Cities in Germany0-4.94253,221
Airports Named for People #10-4.4252,376
Airport Codes Quiz #20-4.3670,050
Germany Country Quiz0-4.83135,157
U.S. National Parks Quiz0-4.7644,749
Countries with the Most Airports0-4.9776,817
Official Cities in the UK0-4.87223,732
Japan Country Quiz0-4.91114,928
Word Scramble - U.S. States0-4.95432,994
New Zealand Country Quiz0-4.5167,174
Regions of France Map Quiz0-4.97122,715
States of Germany Map Quiz0-4.91117,011
Canada Provinces Map Quiz0-4.99563,241
Europe Capital to Country0-4.99213,076
France Cities Map Quiz0-4.96142,714
Australia Cities Map Quiz0-4.85127,187
UK Cities Map Quiz0-4.94423,563
Regions of Spain Map Quiz0-4.96164,476
Provinces of China0-4.97143,731
Regions of Italy Map Quiz0-4.95128,537
Italy Cities Map Quiz0-4.96123,120
Australia Map Quiz0-4.93311,699
Central America and Caribbean Map Quiz0-4.84832,641
Confederate States of the U.S. Civil War0-4.91119,980
Counties of England Map Quiz0-4.95280,981
Flags of Africa Quiz0-4.99364,238
Flags of Oceania0-5.00204,758
Flags of North and South America Quiz0-4.98294,960
U.S. States that Start with M0-4.89145,155
U.S. States that Start with N0-4.95129,691
Top 10 Largest U.S. States by Area0-4.95141,483
Countries Closest to Australia0-4.99141,752
Countries Closest to Canada0-4.88179,593
Countries Closest to Japan0-4.94123,634
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97173,093
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96188,017
Countries Closest to Turkey0-4.94103,110
U.S. States that Border Canada0-4.88149,051
Countries Closest to Africa0-4.95141,371
United States Map Quiz0-4.963,819,890
Europe Map Quiz0-4.994,143,829
Middle East Map Quiz0-4.981,251,177
Africa Map Quiz0-5.001,885,090
East Asia Map Quiz0-4.981,308,922
Oceania Map Quiz0-4.97547,841
South America Map Quiz0-4.991,377,787
Australian Immigration by Country0-4.5256,578
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91138,831
European Countries with the Fewest Borders0-4.98140,450
United Kingdom Country Quiz0-4.94113,104
U.S. States with Short Names0-4.86124,839
British Cities with the Most Tourists0-4.7654,140
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,860
States of Germany0-4.95115,997
Melbourne Suburbs0-4.7135,328
Australia A-Z0-4.4237,597
Asia Map Quiz0-4.99742,942
Caribbean / Lesser Antilles Map Quiz0-4.99112,735
Countries Closest to United States by Continent0-4.99120,859
African Capitals by Map0-4.99104,030
Regions of New Zealand0-4.7423,517
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93125,884
EU Capitals with No Hints0-4.92107,448
Countries with the Most Hindus0-4.94109,380
European Countries with One Border0-4.95146,222
Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme0-4.93127,905
Oceania Geography Quiz0-4.5220,507
Top 10 Most Populous U.S. States0-4.97144,883
Top 10 Least Populous U.S. States0-4.94164,532
Top 10 Most-Visited U.S. States0-4.9286,000
Countries of Europe by Population0-4.98120,475
Every European Country Shape0-4.94166,280
Top 10 Biggest African Countries by Area 0-4.99192,524
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97198,627
10 Biggest Asian Countries by Area0-4.96122,669
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99156,397
10 Biggest American Countries by Area0-4.96104,950
Nauru Country Quiz0-4.5520,072
Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries0-4.97155,553
Top 10 Most Populous African Countries0-4.98152,483
Countries of Europe with an Empty Map0-5.00276,243
Countries of Asia with an Empty Map0-4.99203,120
Countries of Africa with an Empty Map0-5.00215,539
Countries of the Middle East0-4.95166,529
US States with an Empty Map0-5.00531,258
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.98192,324
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.97105,218
Top 10 Most Populous American Countries0-4.97129,452
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Africa0-4.99106,410
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96172,040
Federal Subjects of Russia0-4.94103,838
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,282
Top 10 Smallest U.S. States by Area0-4.97152,011
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,892
Countries that Visit the United States the Most0-4.9674,997
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,681
Top 10 Coldest Asian Countries0-4.96114,341
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,469
Europe by Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.98372,046
10 Westernmost Countries in Europe0-4.92134,820
10 Northernmost Countries in Africa0-4.98127,321
South American Capitals - Map Quiz0-4.98111,904
Oceanian Capitals - Map Quiz0-4.9637,633
U.S. State Capitals Map Quiz0-4.88119,656
Europe by Capitals and Borders in 30 Seconds0-4.85185,741
50 Busiest Air Routes from London0-4.8882,554
U.S. Cities with the Most International Tourists0-4.9063,070
Most-Visited Cities in Europe0-4.9253,016
"Stan" Countries - Map Quiz0-4.97104,772
U.S. States or European Countries by Population0-4.96102,925
10 European Countries with the Most Tourists0-4.97115,465
10 Asian Countries with the Most Tourists0-4.8887,256
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95178,444
European Countries with the Fewest Overnight Visitors0-4.7938,717
Countries that Beat the United States0-4.92138,150
Countries of Asia with Two or More Words0-4.92105,131
Most-Visited Countries by Swedes0-4.6048,973
Most Visited Countries by Australians0-4.9582,404
Most-Visited Countries by Canadians0-4.8237,434
North America Map Quiz0-4.98183,543
Most-Visited Countries by Americans0-4.8588,618
Most-Visited Countries by the British0-4.7157,931
Countries that Visit India the Most0-4.5539,269
Countries that Visit France the Most0-4.7438,795
Countries that Visit the UK the Most0-4.8759,140
Most-Visited Countries by Japanese0-4.9451,420
Three Band Flags of Europe0-4.98155,119
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97172,266
Biggest Trading Partners - Australia0-4.9041,594
U.S. States with the Most National Parks0-4.5819,225
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87129,997
The Only European Country ...0-4.93148,925
Countries that Visit Australia the Most0-4.9457,035
African Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.97115,069
The Only American Country ...0-4.91105,957
Asian Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.98117,978
Asia's Busiest Airports0-4.7643,288
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97293,147
Flags of the Mediterranean0-4.92120,002
Tuvalu Country Quiz0-4.8718,781
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5160,137
Eastern Europe Map Quiz0-4.90111,682
Provinces of Turkey0-4.94170,848
Countries That Visit Brazil The Most0-4.9643,794
Most Visited U.S. States by Canadians0-4.7557,818
Which City in Australia?0-4.6131,071
Countries that Visit Florida the Most0-4.5348,176
Countries of Europe in 1815 With a Map0-4.99128,996
Asian Countries Americans Travel to the Most0-4.8652,661
Countries that Visit Japan the Most0-4.9367,286
All 3,143 Counties of the United States on a Map0-4.94256,910
Non-Stop Flights to New Zealand0-4.4341,144
"Do Not Travel" Countries for U.S. Citizens0-4.96174,890
Random European Flag to Country0-4.87153,249