English | Español | % Correct |
Family | Familia | 96%
Table | Mesa | 94%
Bread | Pan | 94%
Salt | Sal | 91%
Kitchen | Cocina | 87%
Food | Comida | 87%
Dinner | Cena | 82%
Plate | Plato | 82%
To cook | Cocinar | 80%
Chair | Silla | 78%
Butter | Mantequilla | 75%
To celebrate | Celebrar | 70%
Knife | Cuchillo | 70%
Spoon | Cuchara | 67%
Fork | Tenedor | 67%
Glass | Vaso | 66%
Vegetables | Verduras | 64%
Turkey | Pavo | 62%
Oven | Horno | 61%
Pepper | Pimienta | 48%
Dessert | Postre | 48%
Guest | Invitado | 34%
Dining Room | Comedor | 33%
Football | Fútbol Americano | 33%
Feast | Festín | 31%
Napkin | Servilleta | 30%
Cook | Cocinero | 29%
Thanksgiving | Acción de Gracias | 25%
Gravy | Salsa | 22%
Basket | Canasta | 13%
Mashed Potatos | Puré de Papas | 13%
Yam | Ñame | 11%
Pilgrim | Peregrino | 11%
China | Porcelana | 9%
Stuffing | Relleno | 9%
Whip Cream | Crema Batida | 8%
Tablecloth | Mantel | 8%
Pumpkin Pie | Pastel de Calabaza | 6%
Native American | Indio Americano | 5%
Sparkling Cider | Sidra Espumosa | 5%
Roll | Panecillo | 3%
Holiday | Feriado | 0%
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