You have to adjust the settings. There is no way you can expect people to have the correct spelling on both the first and last names of all these wrestlers. I tried numerous spellings for both Matt Borne and SD Jones that were not accepted.
Sorry I only just saw this comment. I have updated both wrestlers names to accept surnames only and also amended Matt Borne to accept Borne or Bourne as its obvious who you mean if you type either. The idea of the quiz was that it was supposed to be difficult but I accept that it is perhaps too hard in places. I will look into updating some of the other names when I can. Of course for the people who share surnames then you will still have to use the full name for it to be accepted.
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has taken this quiz and helped to take it past 100 attempts. Hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to try my others.