
Arthurian Legend

Name these facts about the medieval legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
Quiz by alberici
Last updated: February 20, 2015
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First submittedDecember 29, 2014
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King Arthur's wife
Lover of the above
Gallant and pure knight;
son of the above
Religious artifact sought by the above
The Holy Grail
King Arthur's capital
Arthur's swords
The Sword in
the Stone
"Watery tart" who gave him sword #1
Lady of the Lake
Island where that sword was forged
Comedic group that parodied
King Arthur with coconuts
Monty Python
King Arthur's wizard advisor
Where Arthur's knights sit
Round Table
Seductive sorceress
Morgan le Fay
King Arthur defended Britain from
this Germanic tribe
Knight who grew up in a forest
King Arthur's father
Uther Pendragon
Arthur's wicked nephew who
wounded him fatally
Castle where Arthur grew up
Lover of Iseult
Town in Somerset, England where
some say Arthur was buried
Level 76
Jan 3, 2015
Always thought he had only one sword. Should have gotten the forest knight, nephew and the castle where he grew up. All familiar names. Also missed the Somerset town.
Level 74
Feb 19, 2015
In some versions of the legend both swords are the same, Excalibur having been tossed into the lake at various points and sometimes recovered. There was another sword owned by Arthur, Clarent, which in some versions was stolen by Mordred and used to kill Arthur. (Oops, should have mentioned spoiler alert.)
Level 74
Mar 29, 2017
Level 78
Jan 5, 2015
Unfortunately, all of my knowledge of the Arthurian Legends comes from Monty Python.
Level 76
Jan 15, 2015
That'll get you 4 for starters then
Level 85
Mar 29, 2017
Yep, pretty much.
Level 56
Mar 31, 2017
For the one knight who lived in the forest, I couldn't think of the answer... so I typed "Robin."
Level 43
Sep 4, 2017
Sort of worked it out from 'Parsifal'!
Level 55
May 2, 2017
Same here
Level 57
Oct 9, 2017
I mean, most of my knowledge of Arthurian legend comes from either the Magic Treehouse series I read as a child or from BBC's Merlin. <3
Level 52
Feb 19, 2015
you should probably accept "lady in the lake"
Level ∞
Feb 20, 2015
Okay, that will work now.
Level 41
Feb 19, 2015
Thank you, Stronghold Legends.
Level 78
Feb 19, 2015
As a non-native English speaker, Guinevere was impossible to spell. I tried Ginebre, Ginebere, Guinebere, Genebra, Ginebra, Ginevra,...
Level 73
Feb 19, 2015
Only after I saw the answer I realized that Iseult is what I know as Isolda. I would have never ever guessed it otherwise.
Level 81
Feb 19, 2015
I would have gotten it I think if it was written Isolde...
Level 82
Sep 30, 2020
I knew that module on Medieval French literature would come in handy one day. Thank you Oliver Goulden and Béroul.
Level 81
Feb 19, 2015
Used to love this stuff a long time ago and was on a roll up until the last half of the 2nd column... then it got a bit tricky.
Level 49
Feb 19, 2015
Tina La Fey??
Level 58
Mar 29, 2017
That was my first thought!
Level 90
Mar 29, 2017
She certainly is a seductive sorceress!
Level 91
Mar 29, 2017
Indeed. She's tricked me into buying items with an American Express card before.
Level 46
Feb 19, 2015
Tristram should be accepted for Tristan as that is his proper name. Also, no Orkney's besides Mordred? Gawain is more important to Arthurian legend than Tristram.
Level ∞
Feb 20, 2015
Okay, Tristram will work now.
Level 55
Feb 20, 2015
I typed "Sir Percy" for forest knight.
Level 36
Feb 20, 2015
TY for a great quiz. I expected to be very weak in specifics but could answer so many of these from general knowledge and appreciate that. I did go read up on the tales to learn what I did not know. I read different facts about Tintagel...that Arthur did not grow up there as his father had wished or some such... But the answer worked, so okay. Now I'm reading more about this era--it was my weakest of all history. Thanks again for sparking my curiosity.
Level 64
Jan 29, 2019
My understanding is that Tintagel was where Arthur was concieved, not where he grew up because Merlin took young Arthur from his parents and had him raised by common folk who would not have lived in a castle like Tintagel.
Level 84
Mar 10, 2015
not castle aaaaaaagh?
Level 82
Mar 29, 2017
More in the back of the throat.
Level 41
May 10, 2015
Arthur was born in Tintagel castle but did not grow up there. He was fostered out to Cumbria in the North West, to live with Sir Ector and his family.
Level 31
Nov 14, 2015
Wasn't Tor also raised in the forest? Cutting trees with a sword and all?
Level 48
Aug 23, 2016
How did I forgot Uther Pendragon, the villain of BBC Merlin?? Ugh.
Level 85
Mar 29, 2017
No idea who the paramour of Iseult was, so I fell back on what I was familiar with...

...and guessed Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film.

Level 67
Mar 31, 2017
loved this. i was really interested in the Arthurian legends as a kids got 20/20.
Level 56
Nov 15, 2017
I think Harry Potter gives Merlin some competition for most famous wizard.
Level 74
Nov 17, 2017
Is Harry Potter part of the Arthurian Legend? I don't think so...!
Level 66
Oct 24, 2018
Let's see how they stack up 500 years from now.
Level 66
Feb 7, 2018
Great quiz!

I think "Galeas" for "Galahad" may be accepted and maybe just "Grail" for "Holy Grail".

Level 22
Apr 7, 2018
Arthur was conceived at Tintagel, but he grew up in Sir Ector's house (or castle), at the edge of the Forest Sauvage. This answer is incorrect!
Level 54
Jul 2, 2018
Mordred is his son/nephew.
Level 56
Jun 30, 2020
First time ever heard glastonbury , Arthur was by most people's thought Welsh , his father's name and knights names are of Welsh origin . But heard buried Wales usually but also Scotland and Ireland but never ever glastonbury
Level 57
Dec 13, 2021
The original stories were Welsh but they're set at a time when much of the West of Britain would still have been Celtic so Glastonbury would still have made sense - if legends have to make sense.
Level 63
Dec 11, 2021
Watery Tart LOL
Level 71
Dec 11, 2021
Great quiz! Disappointed that there aren't any questions about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight though--that's my favorite Arthurian legend. (I've heard the recent movie starring Dev Patel is also pretty great!)
Level 72
Dec 11, 2021
Take the quiz, or I shall taunt you a second time.
Level 71
Dec 11, 2021
In a land of myth, and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man...
Level 32
Dec 11, 2021
This was most gratifying to take, and I thank you for creating it. The story has become so much the stuff of legend that some names are known under more than one spelling. Guinevere is certainly the most common spelling (thank to Tennyson among others), but I've also encountered Guenevere and Guenever. Also Modred as an occasional alternative to Mordred. I was glad to see that you already have Tristram along with Tristan.
Level 32
Dec 12, 2021
Oh, and TH White spelled Merlin as Merlyn, but I don't know if he had any precedent for that. I always kinda preferred that spelling though, can't explain why..