Paulinho over Coutinho? I Cannot understand the logic in that selection... Tottenham had an abysmal season, Paulinho did not perform well enough to be featured in the Brazil squad (in my opinion). Whereas Liverpool considerably "over-performed" in every aspect (arguably), with Coutinho playing a pivotal role in Liverpool finishing in 2nd this season and thoroughly deserving to be included on all accounts!
For the record, I am an Arsenal fan so my opinion is strictly neutral to both teams. Though a counterargument could be that a Spurs player is under scrutiny, I do not indulge in rival hatred ideologies and simply call it as I see it.
You are living in the past my friend... Yes he won the bronze ball at the CONFED cup and was instrumental in the Brazilian team. However, that was nearly a year ago now and since then it is fair to say he has underperformed for Spurs this season. Though I understand the point you make regarding his international form and it is certainly valid, many international teams selected their players on their current form and so I strongly believe Coutinho should have been in the roster as he is in exceptional form (in my opinion). Maybe comparing the two is epistemological as they both play in different positions, have different traits etc. Overall I'm unhappy Coutinho was left out the squad :)
For the record, I am an Arsenal fan so my opinion is strictly neutral to both teams. Though a counterargument could be that a Spurs player is under scrutiny, I do not indulge in rival hatred ideologies and simply call it as I see it.