Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Official language | Spanish | 99%
Currency | Peso | 95%
Largest city | Bogotá | 94%
Bordering country | Brazil | 94%
Bordering country | Venezuela | 94%
Bordering country | Ecuador | 92%
Bordering country | Peru | 92%
Bordering country | Panama | 89%
Female singer of "Waka Waka" | Shakira | 85%
Person after whom Colombia is named | Christopher Columbus | 83%
Infamous drug lord killed in 1993 | Pablo Escobar | 79%
2nd largest city | Medellín | 76%
Term for a drug-trafficking organization | Cartel | 75%
3rd largest city | Cali | 58%
Main export | Oil | 49%
Author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" | Gabriel García Márquez | 41%
Famously golden-haired footballer in the 1990s | Carlos Valderrama | 28%
National airline | Avianca | 24%
Kingdom that Colombia was part of until independence | New {Granada} | 23%
Longest river | Magdalena | 16%
Traditional colourful minibus of rural Colombia | Chiva | 12%
World's most densely populated island | Santa Cruz del Islote | 7%
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