Suggested Quizzes

Ireland Country Quiz0-4.68122,212
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98414,546
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,292
Countries that Border Poland0-4.99154,477
Colombia Country Quiz0-4.9033,206
Countries That Use the Euro0-4.9358,938
Countries Bordering France0-4.83347,823
UK Immigration by Country0-4.93121,084
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99332,263
Countries "Ruled" by King Charles III0-4.7679,517
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,053
Modern Countries Conquered by Alexander the Great0-4.9098,304
Countries Bordering the EU0-4.5351,758
Countries Bordering Austria0-4.97107,535
Slavic Countries0-4.9798,505
Holy Roman Empire Countries0-4.6241,348
Canada Country Quiz0-4.47117,826
Countries Formerly in Yugoslavia0-4.9499,225
Sweden Country Quiz0-4.3360,334
Germany Country Quiz0-4.83134,961
Ukraine Country Quiz0-4.3940,608
Denmark Country Quiz0-4.7667,535
British Cultural Symbols0-4.3060,526
France Country Quiz0-4.63116,762
Italy Country Quiz0-4.80104,463
Countries Bordering Italy0-4.9277,679
Spain Country Quiz0-4.33110,347
India Country Quiz0-4.35113,494
Russia Country Quiz0-4.80100,089
China Country Quiz0-4.37100,416
Japan Country Quiz0-4.91114,737
Netherlands Country Quiz0-4.4670,448
Greece Country Quiz0-4.6357,715
Belgium Country Quiz0-4.7062,162
Brazil Country Quiz0-4.4988,643
Portugal Country Quiz0-4.6162,453
Argentina Country Quiz0-4.5150,528
Switzerland Country Quiz0-4.5355,111
Singapore Country Quiz0-4.7638,588
Ten Lowest HDI Countries in Europe0-4.4268,610
Scotland Trivia0-4.5654,101
South Africa Country Quiz0-4.5154,825
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Quiz0-4.8529,653
Countries that Border Hungary0-4.9894,197
Finland Country Quiz0-4.4650,889
Serbia Country Quiz0-4.4230,500
New Zealand Country Quiz0-4.5166,780
Austria Country Quiz0-4.4852,361
United States Country Quiz0-4.4484,521
Philippines Country Quiz0-4.5360,877
Poland Country Quiz0-4.0653,598
Egypt Country Quiz0-4.6064,618
Vietnam Country Quiz0-4.6855,198
Iran Country Quiz0-4.4847,478
Thailand Country Quiz0-4.5044,254
South Korea Country Quiz0-4.6369,266
Czech Republic Country Quiz0-4.4336,495
Norway Country Quiz0-4.3854,699
Nigeria Country Quiz0-4.7939,384
Indonesia Country Quiz0-4.7962,640
20 Questions About France0-4.0630,905
Bulgaria Country Quiz0-4.6426,210
Barbados Country Quiz0-4.8217,524
Belarus Country Quiz0-4.7524,620
Countries Closest to Iceland0-4.8459,539
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97172,876
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96187,780
Countries Closest to Metropolitan France0-4.8964,608
Countries Closest to the Aegean Sea0-4.5254,947
Countries Closest to Europe0-4.6388,565
Non-Bordering Countries Closest to Russia0-4.9374,025
Croatia Country Quiz0-4.7535,507
Countries that Bordered the USSR0-4.91138,712
Estonia Country Quiz0-4.6826,361
European Countries with the Fewest Borders0-4.98140,320
United Kingdom Country Quiz0-4.94112,905
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,688
Countries Bordering Spain0-4.5062,222
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9784,575
Spain A-Z0-4.2025,553
North Macedonia Country Quiz0-4.8223,608
Liechtenstein Country Quiz0-4.5723,341
Monaco Country Quiz0-4.3836,195
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9468,360
Chile Country Quiz0-4.7634,032
Romania Country Quiz0-4.6145,506
Most Mentioned Enemies of Russia0-4.7480,514
Italy A-Z0-4.3739,590
Russia A-Z0-4.3325,340
China A-Z0-4.5157,929
Germany A-Z0-4.5048,330
Japan A-Z0-4.4637,447
Australia A-Z0-4.4237,553
Most Mentioned Allies of Russia0-4.4333,353
Countries of Europe - One Minute Sprint0-4.801,105,781
Countries That Touch the Adriatic Sea0-4.9764,418
Cuba Country Quiz0-4.7645,609
Iceland Country Quiz0-4.6237,397
Monarchies of Europe0-4.8668,087
Neutral European Countries of WWII0-4.93125,642
Peru Country Quiz0-4.5042,191
Haiti Country Quiz0-4.8528,211
Jordan Country Quiz0-4.8626,574
Moldova Country Quiz0-4.9026,163
European Countries with One Border0-4.96146,079
Countries of Europe by Population0-4.98120,307
Every European Country Shape0-4.94166,099
Brunei Country Quiz0-4.8918,631
Top 10 European Countries by Coastline0-4.80124,454
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97198,178
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99156,196
Countries Bordering Ukraine, with an Empty Map0-4.7086,259
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96171,332
Federal Subjects of Russia0-4.94103,604
Top 10 Hottest European Countries0-4.89112,153
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,598
Countries of Europe Before World War I0-4.99132,415
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,214
10 Easternmost Countries in Europe0-4.8672,923
10 Westernmost Countries in Europe0-4.92134,596
Countries that have Won the Most Eurovisions0-4.4982,515
Pakistan Country Quiz0-4.4652,507
European Diaspora - Top 11 Countries0-4.8480,493
10 European Countries with the Most Tourists0-4.97115,155
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95178,173
Biggest Roman Empire Countries0-4.8379,796
Nordic Countries and Capitals0-4.9575,276
Most-Visited Countries by Swedes0-4.6048,915
Biggest British Empire Countries0-4.5076,372
Biggest Spanish Empire Countries0-4.7989,142
Most-Visited Countries by the British0-4.7057,834
Countries that Visit France the Most0-4.7038,758
Countries that Visit the UK the Most0-4.8759,013
Soviet Union Country Quiz0-4.8271,916
Biggest Trading Partners - UK0-4.8954,794
Biggest Trading Partners - Russia0-4.5633,099
Biggest Trading Partners - Spain0-4.9449,085
Biggest Trading Partners - Germany0-4.9859,558
Top 10 Richest Countries in Europe0-4.87129,808
Top 10 European Countries by English Proficiency0-4.7059,214
Arms Exports - Russia0-4.4222,738
Countries with Territory in the Balkans0-4.9271,619
Countries Bordering Serbia0-4.9380,129
Most Forested European Countries0-4.8065,785
The Only European Country ...0-4.93148,761
Biggest Trading Partners - European Union0-4.8962,470
Flags of Countries That Border Russia0-4.6361,580
Flags of Countries That Border France0-4.8596,779
Flags of Countries that Border Germany0-4.8483,333
Tuvalu Country Quiz0-4.8718,766
Most-Visited Countries by Popes0-4.5160,040
Eastern Europe Map Quiz0-4.90111,584
European Countries with the Lowest Average Elevation0-4.6149,587
European Countries NOT in NATO0-4.7932,640
Russia by Picture0-4.3018,335
The Wales Quiz0-4.4426,680
Random European Flag to Country0-4.87152,867
European Countries with NO Wolves0-4.6162,611
Random European Capital to Country0-4.96145,482
Random European Country to Capital0-4.88129,886
Countries Settled by the Ancient Greeks0-4.5245,110
Countries With the Most Russian Speakers0-4.9453,203
Countries With the Most German Speakers0-4.8848,907
Countries that Beat Russia0-4.4749,915
Countries that Beat France0-4.4362,557
Which Country of the United Kingdom?0-4.5933,797
Taiwan Country Quiz0-4.8238,282
Which European Country - Multiple Choice0-4.5378,418
Countries of the German Empire0-4.4631,905
Countries in the Byzantine Empire0-4.9364,675
Tanzania Country Quiz0-4.8428,634
Name a Valid European Country #10-4.98180,078
Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Empire on a Map0-4.99106,693
Modern Day Countries of Austria-Hungary on a Map0-4.9884,585
James Bond Countries Visited Map0-5.0051,845
China Multiple Choice0-4.4134,537
Burkina Faso Country Quiz0-4.8521,263
Kuwait Country Quiz0-4.8219,790
Andorra Country Quiz0-4.8826,628
Mauritius Country Quiz0-4.8419,049
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99195,545
Greenland Country Quiz0-4.7931,087
Ethiopia Country Quiz0-4.7640,035
Kenya Country Quiz0-4.8429,872
Sudan Country Quiz0-4.8723,799
Random European Countries on a Map0-4.98248,673
Bangladesh Country Quiz0-4.8336,778
Botswana Country Quiz0-4.9319,130
Morocco Country Quiz0-4.8339,344
Vatican City Country Quiz0-4.4836,900
Latvia Country Quiz0-4.8627,263
Bhutan Country Quiz0-4.8520,658
Malaysia Country Quiz0-4.6833,715
Albania Country Quiz0-4.5132,772
Lithuania Country Quiz0-4.7026,802
Slovakia Country Quiz0-4.5725,927
Belize Country Quiz0-4.9018,009
Palau Country Quiz0-4.8219,554
Oman Country Quiz0-4.8722,718
Mali Country Quiz0-4.8421,319