Clue | Answer | % Correct |
Capital city | Jakarta | 98%
Countries that border Indonesia | Malaysia | 94%
87.2% of Indonesians belong to this religion | Islam | 93%
Indonesia suffered 130,000 deaths from this type of disaster in 2004 | Tsunami | 90%
Countries that border Indonesia | Papua New Guinea | 89%
Countries that border Indonesia | East Timor | 87%
Biggest islands | Java | 87%
Most famous resort island | Bali | 84%
Country that colonized Indonesia | Netherlands | 83%
Biggest islands | Borneo | 79%
National animal | {Komodo} Dragon | 74%
Indonesia has the largest population of this great ape | Orangutan | 73%
Biggest islands | Sumatra | 73%
Major volcanic eruptions of the 19th century (name either) | Krakatoa | Tambora | 66%
Nickname of the above (hint: a stinky fruit) | The Big {Durian} | 61%
Borobudur is the world's largest one of these | {Buddhist} Temple | 55%
Biggest islands | Sulawesi | 54%
Rafflesia arnoldii is the world's largest, and possibly worst-smelling, one of these | Flower | 52%
Famous export of the 17th and 18th centuries | Spices | 50%
Biggest islands | New Guinea | 48%
The first two Presidents of Indonesia (name either) | Sukarno | Suharto | 43%
Currency of Indonesia | Rupiah | 41%
Capital of the above | Denpasar | 40%
Supervolcano that erupted 74,000 years ago, nearly causing humans to become extinct | Lake {Toba} | 32%
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