
Word Chain - The Middle East

Guess these words related to the Middle East. The last letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the next word.
All the answers are a single word
Quiz by alberici
Last updated: December 30, 2024
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First submittedJuly 21, 2017
Times taken13,725
Average score69.2%
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Country home to the ruins of Babylon
Emirate that hosted the 2022 World Cup
Sea separating Asia from Africa
Capital of Syria
Egyptian peninsula once controlled
by Israel
Major city located on two continents
Country ruled by Gaddafi until 2011
Islamic term for God
Political party that rules Gaza
Egyptian President assassinated in 1981
Legendary city home to Hector and Priam
Country home to the city of Aden
Home city of Jesus
Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca
His sons were the twelve tribes of Israel
Capital of Lebanon
Country which covers most of Anatolia
Jewish holiday: ___ Kippur
Egyptian leader overthrown in 2011
Black stone cube at the center of Mecca
Most widely-spoken language in the region
Islamic title; literally "successor"
Journey of Mohammed that marks the
start of the Islamic calendar
Khomeini's religious title
Main language of Israel
Fundamentalist branch of Saudi Islam
Level 89
Jul 25, 2017
Please accept "hejira", thanks!
Level ∞
Jul 25, 2017
Level 78
Jul 28, 2017
Thank you for helping me get 100%
Level 74
Jul 26, 2017
The questions were good and the quiz a challenge. I was thrown by the Libya and Egypt questions in relation to the Middle East so I decided to look it up before stating definitely that they were not in the Middle East. I found multiple maps and all of them showed different boundaries. While they are now considered part of the Middle East (along with countries all the way to Morocco depending on the map), it doesn't make sense. The original Middle East is literally in the middle. It's like saying Washington is part of the Midwest.
Level 74
Oct 23, 2017
Perhaps the map you saw that includes morocco was refering to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, which is a commonly used definition due to the shared language and culture of the North African states with the rest of the Middle East. I think the term 'Middle East' is misleading anyway, because when you say 'Middle', which middle are we talking about? If it's from a European prespective, then the region in question should definitely be called the Near East, since it is the nearest part of Asia to Europe if you start in Greece for example and head East. It is already called that in ancient contexts. The Middle East will then be somewhere in India and Central Asia, and the Far East will be China and East Asia, as it is rightfully called.
Level 62
Oct 23, 2017
Is it possible for Khalifa to be accepted for Islamic title meaning successor?
Level 91
Oct 23, 2017
Yes. If "Caliph" started with a K. And if "Hegira" started with an A.
Level ∞
Oct 24, 2017
Khalifa will work now
Level 36
Oct 23, 2017
How willing we are to twist our logic like pretzels just to deny what should be as obvious as the noses on our faces. If you stick to geography rather than polluting the issue with politics and/or ethnicity, there would be no confusion. And, oh yes Quiz Master, delete to your heart's content!
Level 82
Jun 21, 2018
This comment makes no sense. Anyone?
Level 36
Nov 20, 2018
The answer makes no sense because the comment it was in answer to was deleted. I was responding to a comment about Libya and Egypt being on a quiz about the Middle East.
Level 72
Oct 23, 2017
Great quiz! One small tweak suggestion: I think "Allah" is an Arabic word rather than an "Islamic" word.
Level 62
Oct 23, 2017
Level 96
Oct 24, 2017
True. The name Allah existed in pre-Islamic Arabia.
Level 74
Oct 24, 2017
As "Arabic" is used as an answer in this quiz, we tried to avoid using it in the clues, but thanks :)
Level 73
Nov 1, 2017
Then change it to "Term for God in Islam" -- because "Islamic term for God" makes your clue incorrect.
Level 87
Jan 10, 2018
While I appreciate your reasons for not wanting the word "Arabic" in the clues, it's a very important point. An Arabic-speaking Christian will use the term "Allah" to refer to God.
Level 72
Aug 17, 2019
After reading Poetscorner's comment I agree, I am sure there is a way to rephrase the sentence so that misconceptions are born/perpetuated.
Level 69
Jun 30, 2020
As the clue stands right now, it is unequivocally wrong. Please change it. Allah is an Arabic word used by both Christian and Muslim Arabs.
Level 25
Dec 28, 2017
Egypt and Libya aren't in the middle east just putting that out there
Level 36
Jan 23, 2018
Quite true,fatness, but politics too often trumps geography (or logic) on these quizzes.
Level 53
Nov 6, 2020
Please do not include religious references in a geography quiz.

Not everyone is religious and hence are unfamiliar with many of these things like the home city of Jesus.

Level 73
Dec 4, 2020
Level 63
Mar 7, 2022
I propose that all quiz makers submit their quizzes to IamTheBatman for pre-approval, so he can verify that the quizzes contain only topics that he is familiar with.
Level 85
Dec 4, 2023
Got everything very quickly except the 2 modern Egyptian rulers, never would have gotten either.
Level 55
Dec 29, 2024
Qatar's already hosted the World Cup, so change the 2nd clue