Can you type the first 2 letters of each country in 90 seconds? They'll have to be the ones of the "full jetpunk name" shown in the Countries of the World quiz!
To make it, you must type 202 characters, corresponding to 26.9 Words per Minute
I cant beat this one for the life of me😢 I go back and remember stuff so I can learn and retake it till I get 100 percent. My score is perfect on every quiz ive taken except for a few of timed ones like this. This is a really great quiz though!!!
Got it with 4 seconds to spare, the secret is, type ki, mi, ea, lu, fi, so you don't forget the tiny countries, and type the rest as fast as you can without looking at the timer
Had it al roughly 185 for ages. Used a different approach this time, did it with 3 seconds left (after several attempts). That's one thing i won't be going for again for a while. xD
Still can't type fast enough. This is a typing test, nothing more. Nothing at all to brag about except you can type fast. It doesn't denote intelligence at all, ridiculous quiz, don't know why I keep doing it. This site should be fun so why make it a typing skills test? Why cant there be a version with a little more time? And while I am asking quiz master, why are there so many quizzes with no points? You have to score a lot of points to move up a level. What is the point of having pointless quizzes on the site?
Rely9 The point of this website is not to see how high level you are, or to brag. It's to test your skills, also for almost every quiz you have to type so if you are complaining about your inability to type 2 letters per. This quiz isn't supposed to be super easy either even normal speed typers or faster typers could lose a few times. If you want to complain,just don't play the quiz. Easy
Why are so many quizzes based on an impossible typing speed for many people? I com-lain about this all the time and never get a response. Another 30 seconds would be huge.
Knowing all the countries definitely helps. Trying to learn all by the first two letters is a challenge. Especially the 'S' countries. They have many more different second letters than any other letter. SA, SE, SI, SL, SO, SP, SR, ST, SU, SW, SY.
Africa alone by 2 letter quiz allows 1 min for 54 countries
Asia alone by 2 letter quiz allows 1 min for 48 countries
Europe alone by 2 letter quiz allows 45 sec for 45 countries
Americas alone by 2 letter quiz allows 45 sec 35 countries
Oceania alone allows by 2 letter quiz 30 sec 14 countries
the total time allowed is 4 minutes for 196 countries
but here you allow 90 seconds for all 196 countries
The quizzes would be more interesting if they were possible, productive learning activities. The minimization of time makes it too random and uninspiring. Please add a not timed button.
I found the easiest way to do this was to write down all the letter pairs and make words from them - such as IRIS for Iran/Iraq/Ireland/Israel or CHIN for Chile/China/India/Indonesia - they don't have to be actual words, just things that at least make sense to you. Then just type your list of words as accurately and quickly as possible.
That was how I finally managed it with five seconds to spare anyway.
Because these statistic are
I guess I did good lolz
5/5 points
Your point total increased by one
I could do better lol
You scored 196/196 = 100%
0.8% of test takers also scored 100%
The average score is 94
Your high score is 196
Your fastest time is 0:46
Best Time
I guess I can stop doing this quizz now
You scored 196/196 = 100%
0.8% of test takers also scored 100%
The average score is 94
Your high score is 196
Your fastest time is 1:25
Asia alone by 2 letter quiz allows 1 min for 48 countries
Europe alone by 2 letter quiz allows 45 sec for 45 countries
Americas alone by 2 letter quiz allows 45 sec 35 countries
Oceania alone allows by 2 letter quiz 30 sec 14 countries
the total time allowed is 4 minutes for 196 countries
but here you allow 90 seconds for all 196 countries
The quizzes would be more interesting if they were possible, productive learning activities. The minimization of time makes it too random and uninspiring. Please add a not timed button.
ho hu ic in ir is it ja jo ka ke ki ko ku la le li lu ma me mo na ne ni no om pa pe ph po qa ro ru rw sa ce
se si sl so sp sr su sw sy ta th to tr tu ug uk un ur uz va ve vi ye za zi ky
answers ^^^
Additionally, TI should be added as a type-in for East Timor (Timor-Leste).
done in 0:13 sec ez
anyway, done in 1:23 :D
That was how I finally managed it with five seconds to spare anyway.