All Countries from North to South by Geographical Center, with an Empty Map
Countries are sorted by latitude of their Geographical Center, going from North to South: can you find them all?
Data from Portland State University (, for missing countries from CIA (
Numbers are coloured depending on latitude: for example blue means below the Arctic circle but closer to the Arctic Circle than to the Tropic of Cancer
Wow, that was brutal. The caribbean and pacific Islands are the worst, I'll be sitting there like an idiot, trying to find out why some asian or african country isn't next, and then I'll remember there is probably some tiny country like Palau or Nauru that I forgot about. I think that took me almost an hour to do (untimed obviously) and I was using google earth with the latitude lines on. I'm sure I could memorize it fairly quick, but untill there are points available I think I'll wait on that.
Every time I was doing okay getting a streak of European countries, I'd get thrown off by Kazakhstan or the USA and be stuck for a while
macedonia should be north macedonia
and swaziland should be eswatini