Been coming back to this quiz for a few years now to see if I can get faster times, I think its a great quiz and one that should and could be up there with the generic countries of the world and the US states. If the map of the US would align with the map underneath it and if some of the capitals were updated like Burundi's going to Gitega, apart from that I think this deserves all the nominations in the world as its one for the geo-veterans.
Swaziland should be Eswatini and Benin also has Cotonou as a capital, if you intend to have this quiz be in accordance with the Capitals of the World quiz.
needs really an extra 5 minutes, i type sprinted for 20 minutes and i was still left with a few states, this quiz is rather about your typing speed than anything.
Cotonou was sneaky. I had done Porto-Novo. Got to the end and had 1 missing. Zoomed in all over the map and couldn't find the missing one as Porto-Novo completely covered it! Suddenly came to me.
I was right there with you. I scrolled down to look at the list and noticed it was a "C" country or capital missing and then it clicked and I got Cotonou.
This was an awesome quiz, but I had the same issues. I didn't think of Cotonou while looking at the list, and had a hard time seeing the circle on the map. The combination made finding that last spot challenging. I would recommend shrinking the circles when zoomed in if possible. That would help with identifying locations in the dense areas.
Completed all but 5 in 20 minutes, then spent another 10 minutes looking for the remaining 5. Can be hard to see missing countries under the capital bubbles. Loved it otherwise.
23 minutes! I blacked out and My fingers were like lightning. Very fun but I think this quiz deserves 15 points if u get em all. Shouldn’t be the same points for this quiz and JUST the countries of South America quiz.
I got all the way down to 495/496 with 36 mins to go and I could not for the life of me figure out what I had missed because the whole map was green... took me another 10 minutes to realise it was Rhode Island
I would try this quiz, but I know I would do quite 'well', only to find out that I'm in the 40th percentile with 1 point. No, I will leave this to you lot
That was a lot of work. I only forgot Annapolis, Maryland in the US (my own country, but it's crowded in that region).
One tip: do all the small countries/capitals first, so as to not forget them (Vatican City, San Marino, etc). Focusing on the ones that are difficult to see on the map helps, since you can't ignore the big ones.
This American got all the (easy for me) US states and capitals, did fair with international capitals, and got all the countries ... or so I thought. Read the instructions, including the tip about the USA highlighting Puerto Rico. And then ... didn't type it in. *facepalm*
496/496 awesome, it was great to be given an appropriate amount of time. Most quizzes rush you with arbitrarily short time limits and it's harder to think then. Great quiz.
Great quiz, but please add a feature allowing you to see places you're missing (some other quizzes have black dots, for example). The circles for the capitals are so large that they completely cover small countries like Kosovo and Montenegro, which made me miss them.
I think this quiz needs a *show remaining countries* option like the OG countries of the world quiz. With the circles for the capitals sometimes its very hard to see if you've hit a country even after zooming in.
Does anyone else have trouble seeing some of the smaller states and countries as they are obscured by the capital circles? I'd like a way to turn the cities on and off to see which areas are missing.
Hi, Super Fun quiz. Please can you do a Hard Version, exactly the same, but with an Empty Map where Countries/Capitals/States appear when entered? Time does not need to be increased. Perhaps list Puerto Rico as?
only if you memorize all the country capitals
so many languages maybe by continent first to learn
still pretty impossible
Otherwise I would enjoy it though it needs updating with current names/capitals
Great quiz though, now the time is increased.
What was missing?
That was a lot of work. I only forgot Annapolis, Maryland in the US (my own country, but it's crowded in that region).
One tip: do all the small countries/capitals first, so as to not forget them (Vatican City, San Marino, etc). Focusing on the ones that are difficult to see on the map helps, since you can't ignore the big ones.
Just type Bolivia on Google, it’s a 3 seconds search.
There are definitely some issues with the visibility of small countries/states if the capital dot above is already green.
I do not understand why you have to also type Cotonou for Benin, while the capital city is Porto Novo
I find if you want to complete the quiz at the hardest difficulty, don't use the map (zoom in to the bottom left corner).
I completed the quiz with 100% after 21 minutes 15 seconds with no map or using the answer chart.
I wouldn't mind a correction in either direction, but right now, it doesn't really make sense to me?
Salt Lake City is often called simply "Salt Lake". "I was in Salt Lake this weekend for a conference".
Oklahoma City is not generally called "Oklahoma".
When it comes to Mexico and Guatemala I was assured by people in those places that leaving "City" out was appropriate.
Why do three quizzes when you can do just one
Took me a while to think of the second capital for Benin.
washington dc.