Countries with the longest Total Borders and Coastline
Can you find the 20 countries whose borders and coastline put together are longest? You are shown the total length in km and how much of this length consists of coastline
Coastline data from Wikipedia (the World Factbook)
Countries with no land borders and land-locked countries are highlighted
whoops and I had taken it myself back in July! I did try looking for one before creating this one but i didn't think of searching for 'perimeter'. is it ok if I leave this one since it has different hints? and of course the 5 stars go to you!!
Sure, you can leave this, that was a joke, kinda, to gjc! Thanks, and nice hints (I got this off of a Wiki page while you must've calculated this yourself!)
And of course now I can't find the Wiki page to make a "Five... by Continent" for it. If you have an Excel file for it could I borrow that? That would be great! :)
Another quiz where Greenland is ignored meaning that Denmark doesn't make the list. It's not an "overseas territory" of Denmark as the jet punk community seems to hav decided, it's an autonomous part of the Kingdom of Denmark with devolved powers from parliament, it's as much a part of Denmark as Northern Ireland is of the UK.