Country Transits: Closest Countries to Panama by Starting Letter
For each starting letter, name the country that can be reached from Panama crossing the smallest number of land borders
Country Transits Distance: number of land borders you have to cross to reach a country (moving between different parts of the same country, eg going from France to French Guiana to St Martin does not count as a move)
When you guess an answer, the number in brackets shows the number of crossings required
It is closer by 'country tranists', see notes. You can never reach Jamaica because it's an island; you can reach Jordan using the France-Brazil border in French Guiana
Sorry bud, this one was too weird for me. You're supposed to get to French Guiana and then teleport to metropolitan France and then start moving around?
It'd be a much better quiz if I had a table with distances between all countries but I don't have one and wouldn't know how to work one out