Name the closest country (based on distance between capitals) starting with the letters of the country's name. If a letter appears a second time, name the second closet country. If a letter appears a third time, name the third closest country, etc.
My data- the data you sent me- has Dublin at 2233 km and Jerusalem at 2366 km. Goes to show just how big Africa really is. And how small Europe really is.
I checked again on daftlogic and it confirms Dublin is closer - I hadn't realized that for some reason typing 'Tunis' would add a point in the middle of Tunisia instead of in the city of Tunis!
Tuvalu header says 'Tonga'
Are you sure Dublin is closer than Jerusalem to Tunis? I tried checking on and it seems it's a bit further away
My data- the data you sent me- has Dublin at 2233 km and Jerusalem at 2366 km. Goes to show just how big Africa really is. And how small Europe really is.
I checked again on daftlogic and it confirms Dublin is closer - I hadn't realized that for some reason typing 'Tunis' would add a point in the middle of Tunisia instead of in the city of Tunis!