I found this SO HARD even though I am usually good at country quizzes. Why? Australian. Rarely pronounce Rs on the end of words, so everything and nothing sounds like it ends in one.
Are you sure? This quiz would be a lot longer if it were written in British English. Chiner... Russier... etc. Maybe you don't hear yourself pronouncing the R. I know there are different accents..
I'm a Brit and I don't have that problem...I think it's an accent thing, I'm guessing Tramp may be from the north of England? Also, British English, American English doesn't matter, pretty much all countries are spelt the same way
@kalbahamut - we definitely don't put an R sound on the end of words like China/Russia. The only time I'd ever do that is if I was trying to do an admittedly extremely bad American accent.
You guys do that but only when you're about to say a word that starts with a vowel. For example, "Americar is" is a thing I hear a lot when listening to British people talk.
Lemondance is right - we use the "Intrusive R" a lot in the UK, or at least in England. But since it only appears when followed by a word beginning with a vowel, and acts to connect the two words in speaking rather than attaching specifically to the first word, it's quite wrong to say this list would be 'longer in British English'.
Must have been earlier. When I was in the first grade, which was in 2000, I got a book with all the countries of the world, and even back then, there was "Myanmar (formerly Burma)".
In which quiz? I have not yet come across such a quiz, and I have already dozens which feature East Timor. The quizes are in English, so it should be called by its English name, not French or some similarly obscure language that basically nobody speaks.
"obscure language that basically nobody speaks" wdym??? also, plenty of names for places are in other languages in English and are left untranslated, Timor-Leste included
russia doesn't rhyme with fussier
Timor Leste!!!!
Pretty much had to go through all of the continents country-by-country in the end...