Why's that? Try living in Europe with a couple of preschoolers who grew up in the US. Try explaining to a 4 year old why chicken nuggets in Germany suck so badly much less the Barbecue sauce. Even though we didn't go very often, it was a much appreciated trip when we did.
The McDonald's I visited in Amsterdam marked three firsts for me: the first time anyone ever tried to charge me for ketchup, the first time anyone ever tried to charge me for using the bathroom, and the first time I ever saw someone put mayonnaise on their french fries.
"They call it a Royale with cheese" Why? "Because they have the metric system" ... Mayo? "Yeah, they drown em in that $hit" ... Now I have to watch Pulp Fiction again.
it's the only answer. It's weird that people think there's some secret cabal of fat Americans that talk about taking over the world with poor quality beef.
Not for long. Subway closed about 900 restaurants this year, with probably more to follow. Some estimates suggest that as many as one third of their stores are unprofitable. Subway overextended themselves pretty badly.
Easy. Have dined at establishments in 10-14 of these places. Some of them I can't remember if I went to McDonald's or not. In spite of the country's small size I'm almost surprised to not see Belgium on the list. Felt like I couldn't throw a wooden shoe in Rotterdam without hitting a McDonald's or a Burger King.
Rotterdam is in the Netherlands. There are 74 McDo's in Belgium, probably because the local fast-food chain, Quick, is quite popular (it has been recently taken over by Burger King though).
Netherlands has 252 restraurants so it's just outside this list. Still for a country with "only" 17 million people it might score top 10 for the most restaurants per capita
What else would it be? The rosetta stone unlocking the secret that I'm really the big stupid dummy you all hoped I was but could never find any evidence for? If the comment was really that embarrassing I could delete it. I meant the Netherlands and I typed Belgium. I made a typo. A typographical error. An error in typed material. It happens. I've never even been to Belgium before. Why would I think that I was in a city there? I openly admitted to the mistake. I make them from time to time and have never in seriousness asserted otherwise. You girls are pathetic.
It means that people think you are so smart that they are shocked when you make a mistake and realise that you aren't always perfect. I'd take it as a compliment if I were you.
I'm sure many of you are just trolling, but the rest of you might want to look up what exactly a typo is. It's not exclusively accidental misspellings. But... go ahead, I guess.
i would say it was more of a mistake than a typo because a typo is when you mistype something and here you mistook rotterdam to be in belgium, not really a big deal just a learning process
champ: look it up. It can also be mistakenly typing one word when you meant another. I'm not misusing the term. But easier to arrogantly condescend than look things up.
sergeant: I'm not making anything bad. Like I said, they're trolling, getting a kick out of stirring the pot, I immediately admitted the mistake. It's pathetic. But yes, life goes on.
Sometimes I reply the next day because I go and click on the same quiz. Sometimes I respond a couple of years later because I'm been coming to the site near every day for 10 years and eventually I'll see something. But I find that people tend to see both things about the same way.
I agree with @Jeremy. If I were to make a spelling mistacke and somebody corrected me for it, I highly doubt the comment doing so would accumulate 40 likes.
There are some French ones in the overseas departments that are counted separately (9 in Martinique, 8 in Guadeloupe and 2 in French Guiana according to the list).
I love how India's number has a plus. It makes me think there are secret McDonald's-es in India that even the leadership of the company does not know of.
There's a McDonald's in Berlin that looks like an old European Kaffee Haus, it's absolutely gorgeous. And, yes, mayonnaise on pommes frittes (French fries) is common throughout western Europe. In Brussels, I counted upwards of 17 different flavors of mayo available as a condiment.
I've been to some interesting McDonald's locations in the USA, Japan, Poland, and China but probably the most interesting architecturally was the one in Batumi, Georgia.
I like my French Fries without any toppings so I can taste the actual fries (well good fries at least, not McDonald's). Occasionally I do add one though like when having fries at the "best" place in Amsterdam to have them. Two words: Lime mayo! Mmmhhh.
They really should... Nobody in Asia says South Korea, we always just say "Korea" to refer to the country.
Likewise, Burkina alone should be accepted for Burkina Faso, SA for South Africa, and Saudi for Saudi Arabia. After all, if "dr" is accepted for Dominican Republic, it really doesn't make any sense not to include these as well.
I think it's more than one though. Bolivia was a failure, Iceland too. They've definitely tried in a few places that just didn't work out. A couple Caribbean nations too.
Watching "The Founder" today. Interesting flick.
oh sorry my finger slipped
champ: look it up. It can also be mistakenly typing one word when you meant another. I'm not misusing the term. But easier to arrogantly condescend than look things up.
sergeant: I'm not making anything bad. Like I said, they're trolling, getting a kick out of stirring the pot, I immediately admitted the mistake. It's pathetic. But yes, life goes on.
Likewise, Burkina alone should be accepted for Burkina Faso, SA for South Africa, and Saudi for Saudi Arabia. After all, if "dr" is accepted for Dominican Republic, it really doesn't make any sense not to include these as well.
But JetPunk, I don't think it will ever change.
You'd assume Rhode Island...any number anyone? I'd still go for more than my entire country (switzerland) haha
Hehehe. Not anymore~