Author | Novel | % Correct | |
George Orwell | 1949 | Nineteen Eighty-Four | 88%
Jane Austen | 1813 | Pride and Prejudice | 88%
George Orwell | 1945 | Animal Farm | 80%
Jane Austen | 1815 | Emma | 80%
Emily Bronte | 1847 | Wuthering Heights | 78%
Charles Dickens | 1861 | Great Expectations | 77%
J R R Tolkien | 1954 | The Lord of the Rings | 77%
Lewis Carroll | 1865 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | 76%
Mary Shelley | 1818 | Frankenstein | 75%
William Golding | 1954 | Lord of the Flies | 75%
C S Lewis | 1949-54 | The Chronicles of Narnia | 73%
Charlotte Bronte | 1847 | Jane Eyre | 70%
Jane Austen | 1811 | Sense and Sensibility | 70%
Charles Dickens | 1850 | David Copperfield | 63%
Jonathan Swift | 1726 | Gulliver's Travels | 61%
Daniel Defoe | 1719 | Robinson Crusoe | 61%
Thomas Hardy | 1891 | Tess of the d'Urbervilles | 61%
Joseph Conrad | 1899 | Heart of Darkness | 57%
George Eliot | 1874 | Middlemarch | 54%
Virginia Woolf | 1927 | To The Lighthouse | 54%
William Makepeace Thackeray | 1848 | Vanity Fair | 52%
Virginia Woolf | 1925 | Mrs Dalloway | 50%
D H Lawrence | 1913 | Sons and Lovers | 50%
Kenneth Grahame | 1908 | The Wind in the Willows | 50%
Ian McEwan | 2001 | Atonement | 49%
Anthony Burgess | 1962 | A Clockwork Orange | 48%
E M Forster | 1924 | A Passage to India | 48%
Charles Dickens | 1853 | Bleak House | 47%
Wilkie Collins | 1859 | The Woman in White | 47%
E M Forster | 1908 | A Room with a View | 46%
Salman Rushdie | 1981 | Midnight's Children | 46%
Jane Austen | 1817 | Persuasion | 45%
Philip Pullman | 1995-2000 | His Dark Materials | 43%
Thomas Hardy | 1895 | Jude the Obscure | 42%
Zadie Smith | 2000 | White Teeth | 42%
Hilary Mantel | 2009 | Wolf Hall | 40%
E M Forster | 1910 | Howards End | 35%
Graham Greene | 1938 | Brighton Rock | 34%
Stella Gibbons | 1932 | Cold Comfort Farm | 33%
Kingsley Amis | 1954 | Lucky Jim | 33%
Kazuo Ishiguro | 1989 | Remains of the Day | 33%
Henry Fielding | 1749 | The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling | 32%
D H Lawrence | 1920 | Women in Love | 32%
Muriel Spark | 1961 | The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie | 31%
Thomas Hardy | 1886 | The Mayor of Casterbridge | 30%
Jeanette Winterson | 1985 | Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit | 28%
Laurence Stern | 1759 | The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman | 27%
Virginia Woolf | 1928 | Orlando | 26%
Jean Rhys | 1966 | Wide Sargasso Sea | 26%
Evelyn Waugh | 1938 | Scoop | 25%
Kazuo Ishiguro | 2005 | Never Let Me Go | 24%
Daniel Defoe | 1722 | Moll Flanders | 22%
Joseph Conrad | 1904 | Nostromo | 21%
Monica Ali | 2003 | Brick Lane | 20%
W Somerset Maugham | 1915 | Of Human Bondage | 20%
A S Byatt | 1990 | Possession | 20%
Doris Lessing | 1962 | The Golden Notebook | 20%
Charlotte Bronte | 1853 | Villette | 19%
John Galsworthy | 1922 | The Forsyte Saga | 18%
George Eliot | 1876 | Daniel Deronda | 17%
Malcolm Lowry | 1947 | Under the Volcano | 17%
Anthony Trollope | 1857 | Barchester Towers | 16%
J G Ballard | 1973 | Crash | 16%
Iris Murdoch | 1978 | The Sea, The Sea | 15%
Virginia Woolf | 1931 | The Waves | 15%
Anthony Powell | 1951-75 | A Dance to the Music of Time | 13%
Samuel Richardson | 1748 | Clarissa | 13%
Ford Madox Ford | 1915 | The Good Soldier | 13%
Graham Greene | 1948 | The Heart of the Matter | 13%
Graham Greene | 1951 | The End of the Affair | 12%
V S Naipaul | 1961 | A House for Mr Biswas | 11%
Charles Dickens | 1848 | Dombey and Son | 11%
Paul Scott | 1966 | The Jewel in the Crown | 11%
Evelyn Waugh | 1928 | Decline and Fall | 10%
Ford Madox Ford | 1924-28 | Parade's End | 9%
Alan Hollinghurst | 2004 | The Line of Beauty | 9%
Zadie Smith | 2012 | NW | 8%
Pat Barker | 1991-95 | Regeneration Trilogy | 8%
Hanif Kureishi | 1990 | The Buddha of Suburbia | 8%
Julian Barnes | 2011 | The Sense of an Ending | 8%
Andrea Levy | 2004 | Small Island | 7%
Anthony Trollope | 1875 | The Way We Live Now | 7%
P G Wodehouse | 1938 | The Code of the Woosters | 6%
Alan Hollinghurst | 1988 | The Swimming Pool Library | 6%
Henry Green | 1945 | Loving | 5%
Elizabeth Bowen | 1938 | The Death of the Heart | 5%
Sarah Waters | 2009 | The Little Stranger | 5%
George Gissing | 1891 | New Grub Street | 4%
Penelope Fitzgerald | 1995 | The Blue Flower | 4%
Arnold Bennett | 1908 | The Old Wives Tale | 4%
Jeanette Winterson | 1987 | The Passion | 4%
Joyce Cary | 1944 | The Horse's Mouth | 3%
Edward St Aubyn | 1992-2012 | The Patrick Melrose Novels | 3%
James Hogg | 1824 | The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner | 3%
Ali Smith | 2011 | There but for the | 3%
Sybille Bedford | 1956 | A Legacy | 2%
Barbara Pym | 1952 | Excellent Women | 2%
Doris Lessing | 1974 | Memoirs of a Survivor | 2%
Jane Gardam | 2004 | Old Filth | 1%
Tom McCarthy | 2005 | Remainder | 1%
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