Source for the data used here is listed beneath the quiz title. If you have another source that gives different information, feel free to make your own quiz using that one.
There are millions of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia and all Gulf countries. Most Saudi families of means employ a driver since women are not legally permitted to drive, and almost all of these drivers are Indian. Indians also work as bureaucrats and secretaries managing small businesses there; many of them work in IT, engineering, construction, and human resources; many female Indians work in Saudi as nurses or doctors since male staff are usually not permitted to treat female patients; there are quite a few Indian restaurants in the country (though more Pakistani); the cheap barbers are almost all Indian (but Saudis will tell you for the best service you should see a Turkish barber, which are slightly more expensive due to their reputation); and the public schools and lower-tier private schools that can't afford native-speaker teachers employ Indians as English teachers.
In addition there are quite a few Indian housemaids working in Saudi Arabia, though I think Saudis prefer Filipina, Indonesian, Malaysian, and African women as maids most of the time.