But, you see, not everyone can spell correctly. And besides, 99% of quizzes on this website allow answers that aren't correct spellings for anything. I say allow intervel.
And now you're on your way to learning about the hemidemisemiquaver (not to be confused with the much rarer semihemidemisemiquaver) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixty-fourth_note.
Oh, sure we are. A few of us can put two and two together and come up with something - you know like: Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Dell, Texas Instruments, and other little trinkets like that.
I spent a long time trying to figure out what we in Britain might call the 8th note along a piano keyboard. Perhaps change clue to 'one eighth of a note'
Maistro would atleast have been a guess that sounds somewhat similar (I think I have actually seen it written like that in some places, now that I see it written down).
The only one I had spelling difficulties with was zither, that darn h shoved into everything. I tried ziter, zitar, then thought, well it cant start with an s (the likeness beteeen zither and sitar doesnt help me, especially since we write it like citer, and there are about 5 more similarly named stringed instruments like cittern), so went more "exotic" zetir zetar. Then I gave up and thought it must be something else altogether
I have to quibble on this one, because he's not dead, and I have tickets to go see him (it was for 2020, but the tour got rescheduled for the exact same dates in 2021, so we'll see what happens). Instead of "Ringo played them" it should be present tense: Ringo plays them.
hallel = song of praise
u = to
jah = Jehovah
Or is that incorrect?
The only one I had spelling difficulties with was zither, that darn h shoved into everything. I tried ziter, zitar, then thought, well it cant start with an s (the likeness beteeen zither and sitar doesnt help me, especially since we write it like citer, and there are about 5 more similarly named stringed instruments like cittern), so went more "exotic" zetir zetar. Then I gave up and thought it must be something else altogether