Unscramble each of the Christmas-related words below. As you proceed, letters will appear in the Santa Box, rewarding you with one last Christmas-related word to unscramble!
Tree took me the longest haha (missed nutcracker though) I think I litereally tried everything before getting tree, first nearly all in my head. Then attempted a few cause maybe it was a word I wasnt familiar with (teer or reet, look like they could be actual words) then I tried all... , teer, tere, reet, rete, erte, eret eter, etre, eert etc
But... I was only awake for a minute (literally the time it took for my laptop to start up. and think i ll snooze away right after typing this haha)
Only missed nutcracker. I got stuck on cake and couldn't figure it out. Crurntcake? I was thinking maybe the a was omitted for currantcake, whatever that is.
Hi sassytae, that is created in Step 3 of the Quiz Editor. I switched to manual mode then added an outer block to the right hand side of the scrambles and answers. Once I had the outer block in place, I added columns and rows to make the 5x5 area (it's actually a taller, 5x10 grid when you include the header above, the answer box below and the gaps in between), then selected colors for specific cells to make it look pretty.
The hidden letters work by selecting each of the central cells one at a time, clicking 'hide cell', then choosing the answer you want to activate that cell. (eg, for the central letter M, I activated it by choosing DAETNV).
Great quiz. Only one I didn't get was nutcracker. It helps if you write the letters in a circle. Someone on another quiz gave this comment, and it has really helped me with anagrams!
Mind blown
Both wear Red and Black.
Both invoked to get kids to behave.
Claims to having seen either are greeted with ridicule
Nah, just a coincidence.
. . . does he wear anything?
But... I was only awake for a minute (literally the time it took for my laptop to start up. and think i ll snooze away right after typing this haha)
Nice layout, though. I like.
The hidden letters work by selecting each of the central cells one at a time, clicking 'hide cell', then choosing the answer you want to activate that cell. (eg, for the central letter M, I activated it by choosing DAETNV).
Silent tinsel Kiwirage,
Satan not welcome..
edit: its spelled myrrh so I was going nowhere