Did it with 1:28 left on my first try. Nice to see that I managed to get all the countries within the time limit because I'm a slow typer. Remembering all the countries wasn't an issue though.
I have real trouble typing 'republic' I absolutely never get it first type and Czech republic really annoys me. Dominica /Dominican Republic too. I'd call for an abbreviation for that Please.
189/196 first try, yay! Though it did take carpet bombing the remaining African possibilities, somewhat. I'll use this to train for the actual countries-capitals one.
Wow, I can do the other way round quite good now, but I ran out of time halfway through Africa (having skipped most of Oceania, too). Did not see that coming. The yellow box does make it harder!
This is a great quiz! It's interesting that everyone knows the capitals, so they perform well on Capitals of the World, but few people can actually match country to capital so they perform poorly on this quiz.
I particularly struggle to match the capital and country among the Caribbean and South Pacific island nations.
Glad you enjoyed it. It's interesting to compare the stats: the average for the world capitals quiz is 103, whereas this quiz is at an average of 123 (as of today). It'll be interesting to see if this average goes down over time and with more plays.
Almost a year and a half later, the average on the World Capitals Quiz has gone way down to 77 (did I make a mistake when I said 103 a year ago??), whereas the average on this quiz has dipped just one point to 122.
I'm guessing that people that choose to take this quiz really know their capitals, where as the other quiz more people will try just to test their knowledge or for fun. So I think that throws it off a bit. The other quiz is also much more popular, being on the front page at all times. This quiz has been taken 6,462 times, whereas the World Capitals Quiz has been taken 1,573,588 times. I think this quiz should be featured more often.
I think the fact that this quiz is less popular contributes to the higher average score, but I also think that this quiz is easier than the world capital quiz. It's easy to guess a few different countries on this quiz until you get it right. There's nothing you can really do on the other quiz if you don't know a capital.
I know what all of the capitals start with and the general length, etc, but I can never recall what the exact thing is for the regular quiz, which is why this quiz is so much easier for me than the normal version.
Did way better on this than on the one where you have to guess the cities. Even though there's a yellow box here I got about 20 more. To be fair though if you always forget just a few from one continent it's easy to randomly guess the remaining ones if you know all the countries.
This was fun! First time I only got 128. Other way around I get them all with almost 4 minutes left. So I now have to learn which capital goes with which country! Give me a week! Thanks for doing this one. SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE FOR POINTS!
I can do them all, but only untimed--I think I took twice as long because I had to read, then hunt and peck, then find my place, back to the keyboard, hunt and peck, find my place, etc etc etc. It's bad. When you are a world class terrible typist, you do much better never having to take your eyes off the keyboard. This needs more time. Or I need a secretary to dictate to....
"In March 2019, Kazakhstan renamed its capital Astana to Nur-sultan to honor the country's outgoing long-term authoritarian president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In September 2022, the name of the capital was changed back to Astana from Nur-sultan."
I particularly struggle to match the capital and country among the Caribbean and South Pacific island nations.
P.S. I would like to see this quiz by alpabetical order of all capitals, removing continents from the process.
JK, just looked it up.
"In March 2019, Kazakhstan renamed its capital Astana to Nur-sultan to honor the country's outgoing long-term authoritarian president, Nursultan Nazarbayev. In September 2022, the name of the capital was changed back to Astana from Nur-sultan."
I scored 100% in 14 minutes 2 seconds for 5 / 5 points