I tried pettiness. "Undue concern with trivial matters, especially of a small-minded or spiteful nature." But I think pettishness works even better, and petulant is listed as a synonym of pettish here: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/pettish. (Pettishness is word.) I tried petulant just as time ran out, and I think I would have gotten the noun with a few more seconds. (Great quiz, BTW.)
Hence the semicolon rather than a comma in the definition, indicating two different senses of the word rather than two synonyms describing the same sense.
ok saintscat. what is a omnipotent examplization of a quantum yutczofabilition, also known as an tetronominicanical, of the emprical evidencidosonipendilium?
a : showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness
b : lacking craft or subtlety