
Music by Letter - E

Identify these musical things that start with the letter E.
The previous quiz in this series can be found here (Quiz D)
Quiz by kiwirage
Last updated: February 15, 2018
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First submittedFebruary 19, 2017
Times taken23,949
Average score68.2%
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Beatles song "_______ Rigby"
Reflection of sound
Wood used for black piano keys, once
1983 hit "Total ______ of the Heart"
Jazz legend Fitzgerald
Irish singer of "Orinoco Flow" fame
Bonus performance at concert's end
"Rocket Man" singer who was knighted
in 1998 (first name)
The Bangles: "Walk like an ________"
Diana Ross and Lionel Richie duet:
"_______ Love"
Instrument that looks like a small tuba
International song contest won by
Celine Dion in 1988
He lived at Graceland
Rapper also known as Slim Shady
Composer of "Pomp and Circumstance"
Nickname of Beethoven's 3rd Symphony
"Don't cry for me, Argentina" musical
The Duke of jazz
1988 power ballad:
"____ Rose Has Its Thorn"
Mournful song of lament
Son of Julio Iglesias
Jay-Z's state of mind
Level 68
Feb 13, 2018
Awesome job on this one, kiwi! Great mix of genres and eras, and just the right level of challenging!
Level 68
Feb 13, 2018
Excuse the tangent, but I don't know the answer to this: If, when submitting a comment, I click on the box to also send it to Quizmaster, is that also going to the originator of the quiz (if other than Quizmaster), or is it JUST going to Quizmaster? If just Quizmaster, I really apologize for sending compliments on other people's quizzes (as if I'm not annoying enough). You always do a great job, too! :-)
Level 66
Feb 14, 2018
I just now realized there's a box to tick. I'm level 56. Shame!
Level 86
Feb 14, 2018
The check box is (relatively) new...
Level ∞
Feb 14, 2018
Just me. All comments should go to the owner even if you don't check the box.
Level 68
Feb 14, 2018
Oh, okay! So if the quiz creator's not you (you being Quizmaster), the creator gets *all* comments as a matter of course, but you only get them if we check the little box? Assuming I'm understanding properly now, I'm very sorry for all the comments I sent to you all those times I checked the box thinking that's what I had to do to contact the creator! MY BAD.
Level 68
Feb 14, 2018
Yeah, PotatoBoy, don't feel badly ~ the checkbox wasn't always there!
Level 76
Feb 14, 2018
ESC should also be accepted for the song contest.
Level 76
Feb 14, 2018
Nice to see another muso quiz featured from the king of music quizzes :) Eminem's other moniker was my new fact for today...
Level 68
Feb 14, 2018
Excellent quiz. Love the variety.
Level 73
Feb 14, 2018
I guessed Eva. What a bummer.
Level 70
Feb 14, 2018
Should be 'EVA'........ Evita was the stage show and sometimes nickname of Eva Peron. The question asks 'Don't cry for her?..... that is Eva Peron.
Level 63
Feb 14, 2018
You're right, sorry about that! I've submitted an adjustment to the clue to make it clearer.
Level 53
Mar 24, 2018
Why there was not great 90's band E-rotic? :)
Level 70
May 19, 2018
I tried "Walk like an Elephant"...... worth a go I thought.
Level 70
May 19, 2018
Elgar of course being Garth Elgar of Aurora, Illinois and public access television fame.
Level 48
May 19, 2018
Exsqueeze me, but it's Garth Algar :o)
Level 90
May 20, 2018
^ Does this guy know how to party, or what?!
Level 66
May 19, 2018
The song contest isn't Eurovision, that is the company that made it, the contest is the Eurovision Song Contest.
Level 82
May 19, 2018
Now that we have the like box for comments, can we also have a thumbs down box for comments like this one.
Level 67
May 21, 2018
Can we add elegie as an alternative spelling please
Level 79
Aug 4, 2018
Is it just me or is it faintly ridiculous that 91% got "Rocket man" whilst only 19% got the Beethoven? One has stood the test of time over two centuries and I somehow doubt that the other will. Glad to have bucked the trend by getting the Beethoven but not the other. Also got the next three least-guessed answers but only received 2 points in total.
Level 72
Aug 20, 2019
For one the asked for the person for the other the music piece If beethoven would have been the answer and a random (meaning not one of his 3 best known) song was the answer for elton john I think the percentage would not be very different than is the case now.

I can only think of 2 elton john songs without looking it up, circle of life and candle in the wind.. btw,

Level 83
Jun 10, 2022
Every single time there's a quiz like this there's someone who feels the need to write about how proud they are of being ignorant of popular culture.

It doesn't make you look erudite or clever, it just makes you look like an insufferable snob. Ignorance is never something to be proud of.

Level 82
Jun 22, 2022
I mean, Elton John is famous right now and is still alive, plus it's asking for his name and not a song. You don't have to know a lot about music to know a guy's name. I know tons about Beethoven but couldn't pull the song nickname out of my head
Level 67
May 7, 2023
I've only ever heard it called "Beethoven's 3rd". A lot of the time you never see the nicknames!
Level 96
Aug 29, 2018
Elton John is a stage name, his first name is Reginald.
Level 54
Oct 18, 2020
No he legally changed his name to Elton Hercules John in 1972
Level 88
Jan 18, 2022
Etude would also be good
Level 65
Jul 3, 2022
I read "song of Julio Inglesias" instead of "son"...
Level 85
Apr 1, 2024
elegy is a poem. Even when a song called an elegy it's because it is a setting of a poem. "Dirge" or "lament."
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