Answer | % Correct |
I met a traveller from an antique {land} | 97%
"My name is {Ozymandias}, king of kings: | 96%
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and {despair}!" | 89%
Who said: Two vast and trunkless {legs} of stone | 84%
Stand in the {desert}. Near them on the sand, | 81%
And on the pedestal these {words} appear: | 80%
{Nothing} beside remains: round the decay | 80%
The lone and level sands stretch far {away}. | 80%
And wrinkled lip and sneer of {cold} command | 71%
Half {sunk}, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown | 59%
Of that {colossal} wreck, boundless and bare, | 54%
The hand that mock'd them and the {heart} that fed. | 53%
Tell that its {sculptor} well those passions read | 48%
Which yet survive, {stamp}'d on these lifeless things, | 40%
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