For each definition, select the correct word from the four optio.. SYSTEM ALERT! A hacker has changed one letter in each correct answer, making it harder for you to spot! Can you figure out the original answers and stop the electronic mischief-maker?
If the correct answer were TRAIN, the hacker may have changed the N to an L, leaving TRAIL
Also, I got 'To sleep lightly' as the clue for slumber but isn't slumber a deep sleep? Maybe just 'to sleep' would work; Googling the definition gives 'sleep'.
Fun quiz, nominated. I found it quite easy… until I got one wrong! I figured “slog” for the routine job one worked, but the actual answer is far stronger.
I assume marsh is included for striking the ground to deliberately lead you to march because I saw that immediately and didn’t even bother reading the rest.
Actually it’s there only because it’s similar to the word “swamp”. I didn’t set out to lead the solver astray with close alternatives. If there are some then it’s coincidence. Either way, to march does not mean to strike the ground, but refers to a strict rhythmic pattern of steps.
Great quiz. I found it more challenging than most vocabulary quizzes.
One note: for the clue "Young Person," I think that "Spain" should be a correct answer. "Spain" is one letter away from "Swain," a young lover or country youth.
Only had 2 incorrect, to my surprise, English isn't my native language. Of the 2 I wasn'f familiar with one of the words, just couldn't decode the other one correctly.
Very interesting and creative quiz in both, its idea and development. Thank you very much! I do wonder about #9. Green would also be a valid answer (greed)?
The answers change each time you play, so #9 isn't the same for everyone. But the clue you're talking about is "An intense longing", which is not enough to imply greed. Greed, specifically, is an intense longing FOR wealth or more than you need. The correct answer - lust - is in and of itself an intense longing.
Also, I got 'To sleep lightly' as the clue for slumber but isn't slumber a deep sleep? Maybe just 'to sleep' would work; Googling the definition gives 'sleep'.
I immediately thought it was mole. And the one choice that fits is mold.
Apparently answer was 'cyst' which would be the choice, cast.
I could be wrong but it makes sense to me.
One note: for the clue "Young Person," I think that "Spain" should be a correct answer. "Spain" is one letter away from "Swain," a young lover or country youth.
Is it necessary to specify rain in that one? I've heard the word plenty of times, but not in reference to rain as far as I can remember.
Great creative quiz by the way, thanks!