According to research, achieving happiness (or avoiding unhappiness) comes at a price depending on where you live. Can you identify the countries where happiness is the most and the least affordable?
The least affordable country (shaded) is considered a British Overseas territory by Jetpunk criteria
Read more about this research and how it was calculated here
Not true at all. Income and happiness are highly correlated. And this extends to levels higher than $75,000 or whatever the "cutoff" they tend to report.
But... this doesn't extend to a society at large.
As a whole, people aren't happier than they were 100 years ago, even though the average person is much wealthier.
The happiness benefit of money comes from having MORE of it than your peers.
But... this doesn't extend to a society at large.
As a whole, people aren't happier than they were 100 years ago, even though the average person is much wealthier.
The happiness benefit of money comes from having MORE of it than your peers.