Good quiz, I had to laugh at 'Moped', I knew the word so well with a picture in my mind of a bloke tootling along on a 'Moped' but I couldn't bring it to mind.
They actually have distinctly different pronunciations: The verb excuse has a slow vowel and a final 'z', rhyming with ooze or snooze. The noun excuse has a fast vowel and a final 'ss', rhyming with goose or the German word Tschüß.
Just a few things, Rerun is pronounced the same in English in both ways. Maybe in some North American accents it changes.
And Incense is not the smoke, it is the product that is burned to produce smoke. Missed this one because of the weird clue.
The Buffet clue is very strange for me as neither clue makes much sense. "Self-serve meal" is bad grammar and is unclear, while "batter like the wind" again is unclear. "Strike repeatedly (by wind)" would be better imo.
I like this series a lot though, so good work. This is the first quiz that has felt a bit off to me.
I'm from New Zealand, and 'rerun' is accentuated (i.e pronounced) differently depending on the definition: reRUN vs RErun. You love pitting America against the rest of the English speaking world, but it's just not the case.
I agree about incense. It is not just the product that is burned, however, but can also be the fragrance emitted. Fixed that one.
"Self-serve meal" is neather bad grammar nor unclear. I've added the article in case that makes what's already clear even clearer. Same applies to "batter like the wind".
And Incense is not the smoke, it is the product that is burned to produce smoke. Missed this one because of the weird clue.
The Buffet clue is very strange for me as neither clue makes much sense. "Self-serve meal" is bad grammar and is unclear, while "batter like the wind" again is unclear. "Strike repeatedly (by wind)" would be better imo.
I like this series a lot though, so good work. This is the first quiz that has felt a bit off to me.
I agree about incense. It is not just the product that is burned, however, but can also be the fragrance emitted. Fixed that one.
"Self-serve meal" is neather bad grammar nor unclear. I've added the article in case that makes what's already clear even clearer. Same applies to "batter like the wind".