In Step 1 - Options of the Quiz Editor there's a drop-down box on the right hand side marked Yellow Box that defaults to No - just set that option to Yes
Why? If it's truly a one to one association, it shouldn't be necessary, other than freak round-about connections over the meaning of Magyar and poutine.
Great quiz - amazing how often one word is all we need to think of a country! It would be interesting to do this for more countries or even all of them - I wonder how many have obvious single word associations (other than eg the capital city).
Official whiner here, pointing out that cantons are a prominent feature of many many countries. It's just a French term for political subdivision and would be like saying "District" belongs the US just because Washington DC is widely known. Preparing to be meshed finely.
There's only one "district" in the US though, even if it might be widely known among international capital districts, plus it's probably best known just as Washington or DC, not as a (or the) "district." I think a better parallel would be if the word was 'states.' My guess is that most people would first think of the US despite lots of other countries having states.
I thought it was an odd choice, but it still worked - I got the answer instantly - which is the point of the quiz. That said, Italy probably has far more options that would work for this purpose than most countries.
I thought that's what made it good. You could do "pasta" or "Tuscany" or whatever, but those are so obvious. Italian culture is much better-known that most. It was nice to get a different kind of clue for once. I only knew it because this Italian-American family I knew when I was like 12 was super into Juventus. I don't think I have heard that word in over 25 years.
Back in the 1960s Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks put out a little book of humorous photographic portraits, including the dictator "Haile Unlikely" portrayed by Carl Reiner in full military uniform and regalia with Mel Brooks in the background manning the air pump needed to prop up Unlikely. Reiner wrote a tremendous number of books over his career but I haven't been able to locate this one.
Now to the pointless quibbling: just as Zimbabwe was once called Southern Rhodesia, Zambia was known as Northern Rhodesia. Neither have cantons, although there is an Italian restaurant named "Da Canton" in Livingstone, Zambia.
We clearly watch very different videos then, as I've never seen it. Pinoy is, I suspect, well known in North America and Philippines, but not much elsewhere.
A nice easy quiz, but as an Aussie, I'm embarrassed for this clue. No longer the pride of Australia, literally makes the most distrusted list each year...
I've never heard of poutine, then I thought magyar was a kind of syrup, so I tried the Maple Syrup country and got poutine! Fun!
Yes to yellow box.
Now to the pointless quibbling: just as Zimbabwe was once called Southern Rhodesia, Zambia was known as Northern Rhodesia. Neither have cantons, although there is an Italian restaurant named "Da Canton" in Livingstone, Zambia.