That's funny you say that, because I had just re-taken it myself (after not looking at it for a year) and thought the exact same thing. Thanks for taking it.
had to guess the correct spelling of heuwell 4 times before it was accepted and please just accept his last name babineaux (including babino, babineough, etc.), also more time pls, accept nail studio for nail salon, and by any chance accept "bulgarian guy" for the carwash question?
I added a bunch of new spelling options for both his first and last names. Hopefully that helps. Spelling is my kryptonite in these quizzes, so I usually try to add a bunch of alternative spellings, especially for names. Thanks for the suggestions! I added a bit more time as well.
I think you need to be way more generous with parking assistant. Only 33% of people got it, my guess is most people knew the answer but didn't write the exact right thing, like me.
I think the type-ins may have been to American English oriented, so I have tried to add in a few other common words for a parking lot to give other English speakers a better shot. Thanks for pointing it out! If you have a particular word that you think should have worked, I would really appreciate it if you'd let me know in a reply so that I could add it in. Thanks for taking the quiz!