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His favourite TV show is Bag of Sticks
Mr Gum
Third in line for the throne of England, after them other geezers
Billy William the Third
Her full name is Jammy Grammy Lammy F'Huppa F'Huppa Berlin Stereo Eo Eo Lebb C'Yepp Nermonica Le Straypek De Grespin De Crespin De Spespin De Vespin De Whoop De Loop De Brunkle Merry Christmas Lenoir
He is as old as the hills and as wise as the hills, but not quite as tall as the hills
Friday O'Leary
The Biscuit Billionaire
Alan Taylor
Has a sherry problem and varicose veins
Old Granny
The fattest man in town, who goes on a food-finding mission in a hot air balloon