Enter the names of the countries lying on the coast of the Old World continents (mainland Europe, Asia and Africa) in the correct order, starting and finishing with Portugal, going clockwise. Note that some countries occur multiple times. In the case of dependent territories, enter the name of the sovereign country administrating the territory. For the purposes of this quiz, Western Sahara and the Palestinian territories are not considered sovereign states (enter Morocco and Israel), Abkhazia is considered part of Georgia and Crimea part of the Ukraine.
Great quiz! Please accept some of the more common abbreviations like UK, UAE, and DR Congo. There's enough time to type the full names out, but those abbreviations work so much on jetpunk that when they don't, many will assume that country is the wrong answer.
Very interesting idea for a quiz. When filled the last column and hints disappear behind the ads. Also, it cost me a few seconds to figure out you wanted me to head north from Portugal... And the Moroccan coast was fun!
Thank you for your comment and suggestion.