Quizzes by wojtaw

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user wojtaw.
# of Quizzes 26
# Subscribers 10
Times taken 45,295
Quizmaker Rank # 914
6,9542021-05-07200 Biggest Cities in the Czech Republic with a Map
6,8652020-10-09200 největších měst ČR s mapou
6,6672021-04-18Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map (extreme)
2,9642022-11-19Pražské čtvrti s pomocí mapy
2,8732021-05-0720 Biggest cities in the Czech Republic with a Map
2,6922021-04-23Battlefields of WWI on Map (all countries and 100k+ cities)
2,2582020-10-23All 100k+ Cities in the European Union with a Map
2,0692020-10-10Největší města (a vesnice) v ČR (extrém) - nad 2000 obyvatel
1,4182018-10-25Čeští panovníci
1,4012020-11-12Biggest Cities in Czechia with a Map (extreme)
1,2982020-11-09All 10k+ Cities in Sweden with a Map (extreme)
1,1002020-11-10Alla Sveriges städer med 10t+ invånare med en karta (extrem)
1,0822021-04-2120 Biggest Cities in Slovakia with a Map
9612024-12-01Největší skupiny cizinců žijících v ČR
8182023-09-27All 10k+ Cities in Slovakia with a Map (hard)
7942024-12-01Czech Republic Immigration by Country
7732021-02-14Všechna města Slovenska s populací nad 10 tisíc (s mapou)
5232022-11-19Quarters of Prague with a Map
5192019-05-0120 Největších měst ČR podle populace
3822021-05-07200 největších měst ČR na slepé mapě
2552021-02-14Všetky mestá Slovenska s populáciou väčšou ako 10 000
2432018-10-17Bohemian Monarchs (as Dukes and Kings of Bohemia)
1872020-11-03NHL - Countries of origin of all players
842019-02-01Countries by alcohol consumption per capita
692021-02-20Put Biggest Czech Cities on Map - very hard
462019-02-02African countries by alcohol consumption per capita