
Modern Day Countries under Italian Rule

This quiz encompasses all of the modern day countries whose territories have been controlled or subdued, partially or completely, by Italian authorities (either civilian or military) since the 1861 Unification.
Quiz by michelesol
Last updated: March 12, 2019
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First submittedAugust 1, 2017
Times taken978
Average score80.0%
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Acquired during colonial "scramble" (1880s); kept until WWII
Acquired during colonial "scramble" (1880s); kept until 1960 under UN Trusteeship
Protectorate over this independent empire was craved for a long time; brutally occupied from 1936
Part of this country annexed in 1911; another part occupied for a short in 1923; as a whole it was attacked unsuccessfully during WWII
Portions of this country previously owned by Italian pre-unitarian States; partly occupied during WWII
Commercial and military concession within a coastal city obtained in 1901, kept until WWII
Annexed in 1911, gained from a declining Empire; brutally subdued in the 1920s
Annexed by a rival colonial power in 1881 despite the presence of flourishing expat community; occupied for a short during WWII
Attacked during WWII with German aid; the advance was stopped by the British in a breakthrough battle
This country appeared for the first time as a whole in 1917 under Italian influence; definitively annexed in 1939, kept until WWII
Part of this country had been Italian-speaking for centuries, annexed after WWI; occupied further during WWII
Part of this country had been Italian-speaking for centuries, annexed after WWI; occupied further during WWII (a brutal puppet regime was also created)
Not directly annexed but occupied by the puppet state of the above
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Portions of this country directly annexed during WWII; mostly was made a puppet governatorate
Annexed for a short time during WWII
Part of this country was annexed for a short time during WWII
Tiny parts of this country were annexed for a short time during WWII
Italy intervened in a civil war in this country; afterwards it kept a stronghold for a short
Unsuccessfull advance in this country during WWII
Unsuccessfull advance in this country during WWII
South Sudan
Unsuccessfull advance in this country during WWII
Today it is an unrecognized country; it was occupied for a short overruling the British during WWII
A coastal city within this former Empire was occupied for a short (1919-1922)
This microstate was "mildly" occupied for a short during WWII
This microstate was neved formally annexed but it was deeply influenced under every point of view during the Fascism
San Marino
Level 71
Aug 1, 2017
Shouldn't Vatican City be part of the list?
Level 65
Aug 1, 2017
Properly the Pope State (Stato della Chiesa) was extended over four Italian regions and it ceased to exist when it was annexed by the rest of Italy in 1870. The Holy See continued to reign as a spiritual institution over the Christianity but no territorial sovereignty was recognized until Mussolini and Pius XI signed the Lateran Agreements (Patti Lateranensi) in 1929. Vatican City as a modern recognized country began to exist that date, and since then it has never been occupied nor heavily influenced or manoeuvred such as San Marino was. The Pope was granted his influential juridical personality even against the willing of Mussolini and Hitler, although not too openly (e.g. by saving Jews inside the walls of the Vatican). :)
Level 79
Sep 30, 2021
Macedonia isn't a modern day country.
Level 65
Oct 1, 2021
Level 70
Nov 3, 2021
Agree with this. Neither is Somaliland. I put north Macedonia and Greece, both of which encompass Macedonia. Also somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, which i would have thought encompass Somaliland...neither of those was recognized as correct for me.
Level 65
Nov 3, 2021
I fixed North Macedonia with its new official name. As per Somaliland, I specifically wrote "Today it is an unrecognized country", and so it is
Level 55
Nov 3, 2021
I like the Somaliland Addition. Should Definitely be it’s own independent country but politics lol.
Level 54
Nov 4, 2021
your forgetting italy
Level 46
Sep 7, 2022
you're right