Brainstorm's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user Brainstorm.
# of Blogs 24
# Subscribers 6

An academic overview of the background, course of events and fate of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte's presidency (1848–1852).

An academic overview of the causes of the 1848 Revolutions in Europe.

A brief examination of the failings of punitive penal methods and their ineffectiveness at reducing crime rates.

A brief essay on the necessity of active participation for a democracy's functioning.

An academic overview of the reasons behind the July Monarchy's downfall and the causes of the French Revolution of 1848.

An academic overview of the core tenets of utilitarianism and notable counterarguments.

An academic overview of the effects of the Congress of Vienna (1814–1815) on European affairs and diplomacy.

An academic overview of the differences between act and rule utilitarianism.

A brief examination of the Internet's negative impact on information and how it can be remedied.

An analysis of the pros and cons of democratic forms of government.

An academic overview of the French Revolution's extensive influence in the course of European events during the nineteenth century.

An academic overview of whether the French Revolution's objectives were fulfilled with time.

An academic overview of the sequence of events in the French Revolution leading to Napoleon becoming ruler of France.

The second part of a detailed guide to the French Revolution.

An academic overview of Epicurus' theory of moderate hedonism.

The first part of a detailed guide to the French Revolution.

An academic overview of Aristotle's concept of virtue ethics.

An academic overview of the reasons why the French Revolution contradicted many of its liberal principles promised to citizens.

An academic overview of Socrates' notion of how we can attain knowledge.

A detailed guide to the ethical philosophy of major Greek thinkers.

An academic overview of Socrates' notion of moral absolutism.

An academic overview of the transformations occurring in France from 1789 to 1799.

An academic overview of Protagoras' and Gorgias' notion of moral relativism.

An academic overview of the causes of the most famous, and important, revolution in history.