Summary | |
# of Blogs | 31 |
# Subscribers | 12 |
This is the first week of the THIRD season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the tenth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. MG17 is the guest judge this week!
This is the ninth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. But this week is the trying out of the new grading system, the rubric!
This is the eighth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. Fuse is the guest judge this week!
We would like your feedback! We have been noticing a bit of controversy on the grading system for the Blog Games, and decided to make a rubric for Week 9, but we need your feedback to not spread even more controversy.
This is the seventh week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the sixth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. iluvbread123 is the guest judge this week!
This is the second-ever episode of the only blog for the day series I started a few months ago. This edition will include some unusual but basic facts about the world around us.
This is the holiday special of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the fifth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. Aficionado is the guest judge this week!
This is the fourth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the third week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the second week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. NiobiumVoid is the guest judge this week!
This is the first week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
The second season of the Blog Games has now officially started!
Introducing the first-ever only blog for the day! This blog is only posted if there were no other blogs posted on a specific day, so everyday there can be just a little bit of content on the RUB. Hope you enjoy.
This is a brief description of my summer break and why I having been active on JetPunk around the past 2 months.
Season 1 has come to a close! Has it really been 10 weeks?
This is the last week of the first season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the ninth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the eighth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the seventh week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the sixth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the fifth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the fourth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen and Pandora49 with formatting with HTML and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
I reached the 1K Takes Milestone, which is a huge thing for me I guess. 10K takes next?
This is the third week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting with HTML and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.
This is the second week of the Blog Games Season 1, a game in which blogs each week are ranked in put in a leaderboard.
This is the first week of the Blog Games Season 1, a game in which blogs each week are ranked in put in a leaderboard.
This is a new game about making blogs that I am hoping will work to help with the flow of good blogs on JetPunk and hopefully raise more awareness against blog trolls and spammers.
Travels await...
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