Johnny AND Amber won?


Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

The jury has found Johnny and Amber guilty. Kind of. Johnny recieved $15 Million, Amber recieved $2 million. So, what should happen next? Amber SHOULD be put in jail. But hey, that's not my call. So many people thought that Amber would lose. And she did. I am making this as an update in the case. I am very sorry that I did not post an update earlier. Camille Vasquez made an amazing closing statement. Just search the closing statement on Youtube. Also, people thought that Johnny should date his lawyer, Camille. But, it is probably not going to happen. I just think the whole case is crazy. So many things happened throughout the 6-week long case, and it was easy to see (for many) who was going to win in the end.

Level 60
Jun 1, 2022
When I heard that the verdict was out I was like, "I wonder when FudgyOreo will make a blog?" It was quite an interesting casse though.
Level 45
Jun 1, 2022
Thanks! I thought so too. I am sad that Amber was not given any kind of probation. There is a petition to ban her from the next Aquaman movie.
Level 60
Jun 1, 2022
She should be! There is clear evidence that she was lying and guilty of domestic violence, so she should be banned, and get probation imo.
Level 62
Jun 2, 2022
I still really don’t understand why Depp had to give $2 million to Amber but I’m glad that it’s over and he ultimately won the trial in the end.
Level 45
Jun 2, 2022
the jury awarded her the $2M in "damages". Like she was damaged...
Level 54
Jun 3, 2022
Maybe the bee was…