The Voice Of Holland is Falling apart.


Now, what is happening?

Vocal coaches/singers Marco Borsato and Ali B have been accused of SA. Ali B has also been accused of worse. I am sorry I cannot deliver more info, it is just super super graphic. I will leave links throughout this post if you want to check them out. A lot of people might be wondering about what The Voice even is. The Voice is a show in which four vocal coaches are in chair facing the audience. If the coaches like the voice of the singer, they can press a button that will turn their chair around, to reveal the singer. Not a place where you would hear about this news, right? I shudder as I write this. To those who do not know, the show is in over 60 different countries, including The US, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, China, Indonesia, Poland, Greece, South Africa,  and the Netherlands, just to name a few. Here is a link to explain what happened with Ali B. Here:,B%2C%20including%20one%20for%20rape.

Here is a link to explain what happened with Marco Borsato. Here: . There is also news on the other coaches. Anouk has stepped down from her position and has quit her job.\ . Waylon also is denying claims, and I believe him, one of the only ones I believe. .

All in all, I think this is insane. So many people have been hurt by men who abused their powers. Marco and Ali should be ashamed of themselves.

P.S. I will update if anything new happens. This all started around January 14-16 of this year. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Level 43
Jun 15, 2022
Brazilian The Voice got really boring through the years. They tried raising back the show with The Voice Kids (was my favorite), and The Voice + (with old people). I assume revenue is big for all The Voices around the world, but apparently Dutch one will be shut down in the next years.
Level 45
Jun 15, 2022
I agree. I think it was smart to shut down TVOH to be honest. Brazil's got boring over the years.
Level 43
Jun 15, 2022
do this smort watch brazilian tv?
Level 45
Jun 16, 2022
No, I just like to watch the Brazilian version with subtitles lol.
Level 43
Jun 16, 2022
is there brazilian soccer with subtitles...? 😳
Level 45
Jun 16, 2022
I don't like soccer, Youtube just has subtitles on a version I found
Level 43
Jun 16, 2022
why must you hurt me in this way
Level 45
Jun 17, 2022
hehehe.. I don't speak Portugese. On a serious note though, I agree that the Dutch version will be shut down for years.
Level 45
Jun 15, 2022
It's such a shame because The Voice of Holland has some amazing singers!! But the again, I understand that what Ali B and Marco have done is just awful.
Level 60
Jun 15, 2022
You're like the JetPunk version of CNN. JNN I guess?

I can see it now; FudgyOreo at 8 on JNN! I might just draw a logo for that?

Level 45
Jun 16, 2022
Level 60
Jun 16, 2022
It is quite sad everything going on around the world. I used to think it was just the US. Obviously, I am very wrong.