Jetpunk Survivor #5 - Tribal Council


Challenge Results

The winner of the challenge was the Pamilya Tribe!

Insaniot guessed the answer: Rhode Island!

Kasayahan Tribe, you'll be attending Tribal Council.

Tribal Council

Kasayahan Tribe, welcome to Tribal Council. Today, you will be voting one of your members out of the game! Here's how voting works:

1. Do not vote in the comments. Vote in the private chat with me that you all joined.

2. Vote who you want to ELIMINATE. That's how Survivor works.

3. Now would be the time to play any idols or advantages you may possess. Just tell me you're playing it in the private chat.

4. Set up alliances with other players to prevent getting voted out!

5. The voting ends Wednesday, 11/8 at 11:59PM PST.

6. If a player does not submit a vote by the deadline, then they receive a self-vote. (one vote for themself)

7. The person with the most votes is eliminated. I will announce the votes ANONYMOUSLY in the next blog. Good luck!

Next Challenge

The third challenge will be posted on Sunday, 11/12. I am trying to post regularly, but I am busy. However, I will try my best to post by Sunday.

Level 64
Nov 6, 2023
Level 67
Nov 6, 2023
At least the choice is easy.
Level 67
Nov 6, 2023
not to quote Swift or anything...

It's me, I'm the problem it's me...

Level 64
Nov 7, 2023
To be fair, you did participate in the first challenge, whereas at least four people did not.
Level 49
Nov 6, 2023
I have to admit, it’s partly my fault too.

In part 3 I said that part 4 would be out on Sunday. But when it is Sunday for PST in other time zones it was Monday. So sorry about that.

Level 67
Nov 7, 2023
exactly why I couldnt do it. Mondays I'm pretty much never here, start of school week, etc
Level 67
Nov 10, 2023
We would have had a better chance at winning if you had been consistent with the posting schedule. I don't think that's very fair to us. If you had done it on Sunday, MKF could have participated.
Level 49
Nov 10, 2023
I apologize for this. From now on I will post one challenge weekly, as follows:

Saturday afternoon (Western US),

Saturday evening(Eastern US)

Saturday around midnight (Europe)

Sunday morning (Australia/ NZ / Philippines

Also, McKenzieFam will get a consolation prize: He gets to choose the fourth contest (I already chose the third one)