U.S. States Viewer Voting #15


Last time...

Iowa and Kansas had to do a tiebreaker! Let's see which of them was able to survive!

With a 9-8 vote, the one staying in the game is...

Iowa! Kansas, you're eliminated in 34th place.

Elimination Order

50th: Arkansas

49th: Indiana

48th: Mississippi

47th: Nebraska

46th: Oklahoma

45th: Tennessee

44th: Delaware

43rd: Wisconsin

42nd: Rhode Island

41st: Ohio

40th: California

39th: Louisiana

38th: Alabama

37th: New Jersey

36th: North Dakota

35th: Missouri

34th: Kansas

It seems like states in the West or in the East are more loved by our viewers, while those in the middle third of the country are getting picked off rapidly.

States in red are out, states in green are in.


Wild West: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado

Outsiders: Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont, Connecticut, Washington, Oregon

Rebels: Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Florida, Illinois, Texas

Avengers: Pennsylvania, New York, New Mexico, Arizona, Georgia, Virginia

Underdogs: Iowa, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Maine

Cardinals: South Dakota, South Carolina, West Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland

State Lore

Puerto Rico: Please. Please. Someone help.

Puerto Rico: I must find help. I mustn't lose my composure. I need to avoid US and his... friends.

Puerto Rico: Just keep running. Just keep running.

(20 minutes later)

Puerto Rico: Oh shoot. There's someone up ahead. What if they're with the US. I know that him and his goons are all over this place. I'll try to see who it is-

No. I can't take any risks. (runs away)

I have to find the lost ones.


Kentucky: Great. Now Kansas and Missouri are gone. Are you guys happy now?

New Hampshire: Of course. You Midwestern states are a joke.

Maine: Guys, stop! We can't coordinate as a team if there's a division within our group. Iowa, back me up here!

Iowa: O- of course. Let's just focus on the challenges.

Kentucky: Sure. Maybe if New Hampshire would stop being such a pessimist.

Wild West

Utah: Hey guys, Montana would like to have a little "talk."

Wyoming: Of course! What is it about?

Colorado: Wait, Wyoming! Not now! We were supposed to go bowl the Rockies together!

Idaho: States can go bowling?

Utah: Guys. The point is, Montana has something to say. Are you guys coming?

Nevada: Fine, but make it quick.

Colorado: No! I won't let Montana interrupt my plans with Wyoming!

Wyoming: Colorado-

Utah: It's fine. Then it'll just be the four of us.

Montana: Hello, guys. Thanks for coming. Wait. Where are Wyoming and Colorado.

Utah: Apparently they had to "go bowling."

Nevada: I know. It's such a lame excuse.

Montana: Never mind. So Canada- he's not who you think he is....

Utah: What? US always told us that Canada was his "cold, secretive, sinister little brother."

Nevada: Well, he got the "cold" part of that right, at least.

Utah: You're not funny.

Nevada: Sorry.

Montana: So anyways, Canada told me that the opposite was true - US is the one who has dark intentions, he says.

Idaho: Why should we trust Canada, when he's always been absent while the rest of us have been safe, under the care of the US? And now, we just have to believe that the one who's been nurturing our oldest friends for nearly 250 years has "dark intentions?"

Utah: She does have a point. However, US hasn't been the most trustworthy either. When South Carolina ran from home 160 years ago, where was he?

Nevada: Utah, we weren't even born 160 years ago. How do you know that?

Utah: I existed... as a territory. The 1860s were dark times.

Montana: If you guys don't believe me, we can pay Canada a visit later. Are you guys up for that?

Nevada: Yeah.

Idaho: Me too.

Utah: Fine. I'll come. But what about our two rectangular friends?

Montana: Wyoming and Colorado don't have to come if they don't want to.


Colorado: Now that we're alone, I have something to tell you.

Wyoming: What is that?

Colorado: Wyoming- I- I- love you! I love the way you smile. The way your mountains are full of nature and wonders. You- you are wonderful, Wyoming!

Wyoming (shocked) Colorado, I- Love you too!

(kissing scene censored)

Wyoming (to herself) Montana must never know about this. Or else I'm doomed.

Gekko0923: All states, please gather for the next challenge!

DC: What's it gonna be about, Gekko? More bloodlust? More ACTION? Please don't tell me it's about trivia. Trivia is boring.

Gekko0923: Well, you're in luck! Today's challenge is the Hunger Games! Each team must select four representatives to compete! The first team to lose all members is up for elimination! To make things fair, only four members of your team can partake in the challenge, the choice of who to send is entirely up to you guys!


NOTE: For each district, the male is listed first, then the female. The exceptions are:

District 4 (two males)

District 6 (two males)

District 12 (two females)

Wild West: Montana and Idaho (District 1) & Colorado and Wyoming (District 2)

Outsiders: Alaska and Hawaii (District 3) & Washington and Oregon (District 4)

Rebels: Michigan and Illinois (District 5) & Texas and Florida (District 6)

Avengers: New York and Virginia (District 7) & New Mexico and Arizona (District 8)

Underdogs: New Hampshire and Maine (District 9) & Kentucky and Iowa (District 10)

Cardinals: South Dakota and Maryland (District 11) & North Carolina and South Carolina (District 12)

NOT Participating: Nevada, Utah, Vermont, Connecticut, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and West Virginia

Who will win?

It's time for the Games to begin! Good luck to all districts!

Opening Event: The Cornucopia

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Hawaii runs away from the Cornucopia.

Maryland runs away from the Cornucopia.

Texas finds a backpack full of camping equipment.

South Carolina scares Arizona away from the Cornucopia.

New York runs away from the Cornucopia.

Iowa runs away from the Cornucopia.

Florida runs away from the Cornucopia.

New Hampshire runs away from the Cornucopia.

Oregon runs away from the Cornucopia.

New Mexico runs away from the Cornucopia.

North Carolina grabs a shield leaning on the Cornucopia.

Maine, Michigan, Idaho, and South Dakota share everything they gathered before running.

Montana runs away from the Cornucopia.

Alaska runs away from the Cornucopia.

Virginia and Colorado fight for a bag. Virginia gives up and retreats.

Illinois and Kentucky threaten to eliminate themselves. It fails but they are eliminated anyway.

Washington runs away from the Cornucopia.

Wyoming runs away from the Cornucopia.


Day 1

Virginia searches for a water source.

Maryland thinks about home.

Michigan questions his sanity.

Washington receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Iowa receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Arizona, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Texas raid Maine's camp while she is hunting.

Alaska injures himself.

Florida defeats South Carolina in a fight, but spares her life.

Montana attacks South Dakota, but he manages to escape.

North Carolina receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

New York, Hawaii, Wyoming, and New Mexico hunt for other tributes.

Idaho and Colorado work together for the day.


2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

Illinois (District 5)

Kentucky (District 10)


Florida: Illinois? What was that? We need you out here!

New Hampshire: See? I knew Kentucky was up to no good.

Maine: You can't be talking, New Hampshire!!! Why did you raid my camp? We're on the same district!

Night 1

Alaska, Idaho, and Michigan discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming sleep in shifts.

Texas destroys Hawaii's supplies while she is asleep.

Maryland tries to treat her infection.

Michigan tries to treat his infection.

New Mexico, South Dakota, and Florida cheerfully sing songs together.

Virginia sets up camp for the night.

Arizona thinks about home.

North Carolina stays awake all night.

New Hampshire cries himself to sleep.

Maine receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

South Carolina cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Iowa overpowers New York, eliminating him.

Colorado falls into a frozen lake and drowns.


Day 2

New Mexico searches for a water source.

Iowa receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Florida stalks Michigan.

Montana, Alaska, and Texas hunt for other tributes.

Maryland sets an explosive off, eliminating South Carolina, Oregon, and Maine.

Hawaii stalks New Hampshire.

Virginia constructs a shack.

South Carolina diverts Arizona's attention and runs away.

Washington discovers a cave.

Wyoming chases Idaho.

North Carolina is eliminated by an infection.


6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

New York (District 7)

Colorado (District 2)

South Carolina (District 12)

Oregon (District 4)

Maine (District 9)

North Carolina (District 12)

Right now, the Underdogs and Cardinals are tied for having only 2/4 members alive. All other teams have 3/4 remaining.


Wyoming: Colorado!! No!

Virginia: Maryland, I'm impressed! Eliminating three people this early!

Washington: That also means she's a threat. Better avoid her.

Florida: Or better yet, get rid of her before she eliminates more people.

Iowa: New Hampshire, it's down to you and me to keep the Underdogs alive. Don't want to go up for elimination again.

Night 2

Wyoming loses sight of where she is.

Hawaii and Iowa talk about the tributes still alive.

Montana and Michigan run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Florida shoots an arrow into Maryland's head.

Alaska receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

South Dakota and Idaho huddle for warmth.

Arizona goes to sleep.

Washington starts a fire.

New Hampshire thinks about winning.

Virginia cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Texas strangles New Mexico with a rope.


Day 3

Washington and Florida split up to search for resources.

Montana receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Alaska travels to higher ground.

Texas defeats South Dakota in a fight, but spares his life.

Wyoming hunts for other tributes.

Idaho searches for a water source.

Michigan tries to spear fish with a trident.

Hawaii, Arizona, and Virginia hunt for other tributes.

New Hampshire and Iowa work together for the day.


2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

Maryland (District 11)

New Mexico (District 8)

The Cardinals are in danger now. Only South Dakota remains. Avengers and Underdogs shouldn't be comfortable either, as each only have two remaining members.


Florida: Texas? Why didn't you eliminate South Dakota? It would have been over.

Texas: The Cardinals are not a threatening team in this game. It would be better for a more competitive team to be up for elimination this time.

Arizona: In other news, we got rid of Maryland.

Florida: You mean I. I got rid of her.

Night 3

Montana tries to sing himself to sleep.

Hawaii stays awake all night.

Idaho goes to sleep.

South Dakota eliminates Texas with his own weapon.

Michigan receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Alaska fends New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Florida away from his fire.

Iowa stays awake all night.

Virginia screams for help.

Washington and Arizona talk about the tributes still alive.


Day 4

New Hampshire receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Florida defeats Arizona in a fight, but spares her life.

Michigan sets off an explosive, eliminating South Dakota and Montana.

Idaho and Iowa split up to hunt for other tributes.

Virginia thinks about home.

Hawaii receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Washington questions his sanity.

Wyoming runs from Alaska.


3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

Texas (District 6)

South Dakota (District 11)

Montana (District 1)


Gekko0923: The Cardinals are the first to lose all members and will be up for elimination! However, the last team remaining will get a prize, so keep fighting!

Florida: That prize is mine!

Virginia: I'm just happy to have survived this far and that our team avoided elimination.

Night 4

Michigan and Arizona talk about the remaining tributes.

Florida and New Hampshire try to sing themselves to sleep.

Idaho receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Iowa and Washington huddle for warmth.

Alaska stays awake all night.

Hawaii fends Virginia and Wyoming away from her fire.

Remaining: 11/24

Day 5

Florida forces Alaska to eliminate either Washington or Idaho. Alaska chooses to eliminate Idaho.

Michigan thinks about winning.

Hawaii defeats Virginia in a fight, but spares her life.

Iowa goes to hunt for other tributes.

New Hampshire finds a water source.

Wyoming discovers a cave.

Arizona questions her sanity.


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance:

Idaho (District 1)


Michigan: Final 10! Let's go!

Washington: Why Idaho? It should have been me.

Night 5

Iowa, Wyoming, Florida, and Michigan form a self-eliminating pact and eliminate themselves.

Alaska stays awake all night.

Hawaii destroys New Hampshire's supplies while she is asleep.

Virginia goes to sleep.

Arizona runs from Washington.


Day 6

Virginia treats her infection.

Alaska defeats New Hampshire in a fight and eliminates him.

Washington injures himself.

Arizona moves to higher ground.

Hawaii receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.


5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

Iowa (District 10)

Wyoming (District 2)

Florida (District 6)

Michigan (District 5)

New Hampshire (District 9)


Gekko0923: Only two teams remain. There are 3 Outsiders and 2 Avengers.

Alaska: It's a 3 v 2. We've got this!

Virginia: Arizona, be careful. We have to work together if we have any chance of winning.

Night 6

Virginia and Arizona discuss the games and what may happen in the morning.

Hawaii cooks her food before putting out her fire.

Washington cries himself to sleep.

Alaska sings himself to sleep.


Event: The Feast

The Cornucopia has been refilled with supplies!

Hawaii decides not to go to The Feast.

Arizona and Alaska fight over supplies. Arizona overpowers him and eliminates him.

Virginia decides not to go to The Feast.

Washington decides not to go to The Feast.


Day 7

Virginia goes hunting.

Washington receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Arizona constructs a shack.

Hawaii goes to hunt for other tributes.


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance:

Alaska (District 3)


Hawaii: Oh no! They got Alaska! Washington, where are you? I'm getting nervous.

Virginia: Nice job, Arizona! One down, two to go!

Night 7

Arizona loses sight of where she is.

Hawaii starts a fire.

Virginia cries herself to sleep.

Washington receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.


Day 8

Washington steps on a landmine.

Virginia and Arizona decide to work together for the day.

Hawaii hunts for other tributes.


1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance:

Washington (District 4)


Hawaii: No! (starts visibly panicking)

Arizona: We just need to find Hawaii and this is over.

Night 8

Arizona sets up camp for the night.

Hawaii shoots an arrow into Virginia's head.


Day 9

Hawaii thinks about winning.

Arizona is eliminated by an infection.


2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance:

Virginia (District 7)

Arizona (District 8)

The winner is Hawaii (District 3)!


Gekko0923: Congratulations, Hawaii! You have won a prize for the Outsiders that will be revealed next episode.


Gekko0923: Meanwhile, bad news for the Cardinals, one of them is going home.

The Candidates

The Cardinals are up for elimination! Here are your candidates and their pitches as to why they should stay:

Vote to save!

South Dakota [A]

Pitch: I should stay because I was the last one remaining in the challenge for my team!

South Carolina [B]

Pitch: I'm so nice that I'm not even gonna ask you to vote for me. Just don't vote for NC please!!!

West Virginia [C]

Pitch: I wasn't part of the challenge, so this loss is not on me.

North Carolina [D]

Pitch: SC and I made a bet that whoever got less votes has to get 10% of their population to move to the other state. We need residents of SC to come visit my superior shoreline and culture!

Maryland [E]

Pitch: Didn't you see me eliminate three people in a row in the challenge? That's worthy of your vote, right? Right?

Voting Rules

1. You can vote up to three times and you can use all your votes on the same state.

For example, you can vote:

[X] [Y] [Z] or

[X] [X] [X].

Just be sure to use the square brackets!

2. The voting method is VOTE TO SAVE. The one with the least votes leaves!

3. Voting ends Tuesday, July 16 at 11:59 PM PDT.

4. Please do not spam/ be rude in the comments. Thanks!

5. Thank you for your continued support for this series! I sincerely appreciate every voter that comes across this blog.

Gekko's Reboot

More about my hiatus and my return to blogging will be posted in my upcoming Jetpunk Survivor #16 blog. See you then!

Level 64
Jul 13, 2024
We waited!

[D] [E] [D]

Level 59
Jul 13, 2024
[D] [E] [D]
Level 43
Jul 13, 2024
I missed this series!

[B] [D] [B]

Level 43
Jul 14, 2024
Actually [B] [B] [B]
Level 52
Jul 13, 2024
[E] [D] [E]
Level 60
Jul 13, 2024
JetPunk Survivor confirmed!

It was amazing to see this series rebooted as well. I like the addition to the Puerto Rico lore.

[B] [C] [E]

Level 65
Jul 13, 2024
[A] [E] [E]
Level 73
Jul 14, 2024
[C] [C] [C]
Level 68
Jul 15, 2024
[C] [C] [C]
Level 66
Jul 18, 2024
[E] [E] [E]