Geography Snap Statistics (August 2022)


As many of you know by now, there is a leaderboard in every game mode of Geography Snap. More precisely, the 5 fastest players per day, per week and since the beginning of Geography Snap (not really, more like since 26th October 2020). Well, the player Changedaworld invented a points system according to the rank of a player in the All-Time leaderboard. Here it is :

1st place : 7 points

2nd place : 5 points

3rd place : 3 points

4th place : 2 points

5th place : 1 point

So, here is a leaderboard for August :

Rank Player Number of Points Number of Points Evolution Rank Evolution
1st Changedaworld 242 +137 +1
2nd SilverDog 230 -20 -1
3rd tamara 44 -23 =
4th MarcelVos 42 -14 +1
5th Gumbledalf 40 -25 -1
6th pappus1232 18 +7 +6
7th anahita 17 -4 +1
hfgsy 17 -9 -1
smirkymyjens 17 -2 +2
8th backstreetben 16 -9 -1
9th Chaddius 15 +5 +4
10th PowerGuiido 11 -4 =
11th Dontforget 9 +6 +8
12th nimbru 7 -3 +1
13th 123pasteque 6 -7 +2
Dankxiety 6 -4 =
Jikinena 6 -2 +1
Transvaal 6 -1 +2
14th Drenalasso 5 +3 +6
manuelordonezf 5 -5 -1
MarkScholten 5 = +3
merpell 5 -1 +2
WinterArcanine 5 = +3
15th Albmaralb 3 -2 +2
GMG11 3 -1 +3
pseudocraul 3 -3 +1
Stewart 3 = +4
16th cmoneyplays 2 -1 +3
GameyTV 2 = +4
Jato 2 = +4
Jilb 2 -1 +3
Lamarck 2 -1 +3
MarinaMiller92 2 -1 +3
rawe 2 -1 +3
Sagaris 2 -1 +3
Sammyboi 2 New New
17th BI 1 -1 +3
cooladri 1 = +4
Fuse 1 -2 +2
MsChanandlerBong 1 -1 +3
Scaro88 1 -2 +2
Tmnight 1 New New

As you can see, there are 2 new players in the leaderboard, Tmnight and Sammyboi. But 6 players also got out : changetheworld, Charisse, MikesM, Penguinish, Tomi27 and zakatan.

The player who's the 1st in the most categories is... Changedaworld, being first in 30 game modes.

The player who's the 2nd in the most categories is... SilverDog, being second in 24 game modes.

The player who's the 3rd in the most categories is... MarcelVos, being third in 7 game modes.

The player who's the 4th in the most categories is... Gumbledalf, being fourth in 7 game modes.

The player who's the 5th in the most categories is... Gumbledalf too, being fifth in 15 game modes.

The greatest gap between 2 consecutive players is 6,3 seconds, between SilverDog's 11,0 seconds and Gumbledalf's 17,3 seconds in Countries, Capitals & Shapes Medium.

The greatest gap between the 1st and the 5th is 10,2 seconds, between Changedaworld's 10,6 seconds and backstreetben's 20,8 seconds, again in Countries, Capitals and Shapes Medium.

The smallest gap between the 1st and the 5th is 0,5 seconds, between Changedaworld's 3,7 seconds and tamara's 4,2 seconds in Countries & Flags Easy.

The World Record that has been the most improved during August is the Countries, Capitals & Shapes Medium game mode, where it has been improved from 15,7 seconds to 10,6 seconds ! That's 5,1 seconds that were cut off !

The game mode where the sum of every time in the All-Time top 5 has been the most improved is Capitals, Flags & Shapes Hard, where a whopping 17,6 seconds have been taken off !

If we add every time in every All-Time top 5, we get to... 2724,3 seconds, or 45 minutes and 24,3 seconds. That's 2 minutes and 35,2 seconds that were cut off during August ! And if we only take the time of the 1st in every All-Time, we get to 461,6 seconds, or 7 minutes and 41,6 seconds. That's 39,2 seconds that were cut off during August !

Now, let's take a look at the number of people who had at least 1 World Record in August, day by day :

As you can see, it didn't stop decreasing.

Fun Fact : Although many people lost many points, many people also moved up a few places in the leaderboard, because of the number of people decreasing and the fact that more players tied, in terms of points.

In conclusion, this month has been great for Geography Snap. Changedaworld really did change the world of Geography Snap, by beating an unbelievable number of Records. September will not be as good, but we can expect that anahita will sadly lose their 2 remaining World Records, and that both Changedaworld and me will compete to get the biggest number of WRs !


Level 58
Dec 30, 2023
This Statistics blog has been made with this spreadsheet.
Level 50
Sep 11, 2022
Wow you put a lot of effort into these stats!
Level 58
Sep 11, 2022
Thanks a lot !