The Battle with Changedaworld
Last updated: Saturday September 17th, 2022
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Geography Snap is a JetPunk mini-game created in the late October 2020 by Stewart. When I discovered this game in early September 2021, the Top All-Time for Flags Easy looked like this :
1. nimbru (3.4s)
2. changetheworld (3.7s)
3. Stewart (3.7s)
4. MarkScholten (3.7s)
5. hfgsy (3.7s)
On September, 18th, I managed to do a 3.6s, ousting hfgsy from the top 5. On November, 3rd, I did 3.3s, so I became the 1st, and meanwhile Fuse got 3.6s, so MarkScholten was out of the top 5 as well. The sub-3s quest was starting to show up. But then, Changedaworld came and done 3.2s. At this point, I was sure sub-3 was possible, but I wasn't able to do it. I was just able to tie him, which put me back in first place. But Changedaworld didn't say his last word. In late May 2022, he performed the first sub-3s, with a time of 2.9s. And after days and days of trying, today, as of May, 31st, I finally beat that time with a 2.8s. The leaderboard looks like this today :
1. DogDeeDer (2.8s)
2. Changedaworld (2.9s)
3. GameyTV (3.4s)
4. nimbru (3.4s)
5. Liam (3.4s)
But the battle is not over, it's just starting. I don't know what the perfect time would be. But this (friendly, I hope) battle could spread out in other game modes, and maybe other players will join either Changedaworld or me, or even any other player, like Gumbledalf, tamara or anahita to name a few, to form teams, so I can't wait to see what the future of Geography Snap will look like.
I'm more of an Even Split person.