Random Country Facts! #10
First published: Friday July 19th, 2024
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Since this is the 10th episode of Random Country Facts, there will be extra many countries today!
1. Mansa Musa, king of the Mali Empire in the 14th century, is believed to have a net worth of 400 BILLION dollars. Not even Elon Musk has that much...
2. Mali is home to the world's largest mud building. (The Great Mosque of Djenné)
3. Once every 60 years, the Dogon tribe holds the world's largest religious celebration, lasting for several years.
4. Mali only has 38 police officers for every 100,000 people.
Turkey / Türkiye
1. An average Turkish person consumes an estimate of almost 7 kg of tea each year.
2. The turkey bird is named after the country, even though there are no turkeys in the country. Funnily enough, in Turkey (the country), turkey (the bird) is called a Hindi, and in Hindi (the language) it is called a Peru. Was that confusing?
3. 96% of the Turkish population drinks at least one cup of tea every day.
4. Turkey actually joined WW2, but only in February of 1945.
1. Originally, Tuvalu couldn't afford to join the UN. But then, they discovered that their internet domain is .tv, which they sold to sites like Twitch and more. After selling their domain, Tuvalu could afford to join the UN.
2. 10% of the country's GDP comes from the .tv domain.
3. In 2019, the country only got 3600 tourists, making it the least visited country in the world. (I would actually like to go there one day, it looks beautiful!)
4. Tuvalu is only 27 square km/ 10 square miles big, making it the 4th smallest country in the world.
1. Ireland is further north than North Ireland.
2. In 1949, Ireland became one of 2 countries to leave the Commonwealth of nations. (The other one is Zimbabwe.
3. Ireland used to dominate Eurovision, winning 3 times in a row from 1992-1994, and Johnny Logan won twice, one of only two persons to do that. They currently are tied with Sweden in the most Eurovision wins. (They both have 7)
4. In 1841, Ireland had 8.1 million people living there. Today, they only have 5.2 million people. Why did everyone leave? Well, it was because of the Irish Potato Famine, where many people died or moved to the United States.
5. Halloween was invented in Ireland.
1. Sweden and Denmark have fought 28 wars against each other, more than any countries in the world. (Even France and the UK!)
2. Minecraft, Spotify, The Celcius scale, IKEA, H&M, the zipper, Volvo, the seatbelt and much more comes from Sweden!
3. Sweden has 267,570 islands, more than any other country in the world.
4. Sweden has more lakes than Brazil, Australia, India, Kazakhstan and Argentina.
5. In the 16th century, a third of Europe's copper came from Sweden. In the 18th century, a third of the WORLD'S iron came from Sweden.
6. In 1973, Sweden sold 1,000 Volvo cars to North Korea for 73 million dollars. They still haven't paid and Sweden sends out yearly reminders about it. Now the 73 million dollars are worth around 330 million dollars.
7. Sweden almost won a war against Denmark, Poland AND Russia.
8. 2/3 of Sweden's land area is covered in forest, the second most in Europe. (Finland is first place.)
mansa musa wasnt reallly rich cuz what did ya really have to spend it on? if its all gold that would just kinda be inflation or smth. also kings and such dont count usually when counting wealth. cuz some roman guy owned all of egypt personally