Random Country Facts! #12
First published: Saturday August 10th, 2024
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1. Niger got its name from the Niger River, which goes through the country.
2. There is a dinosaur named after the country, the Nigersaurus.
3. The average birth rate in Niger is 7 kids.
4. In the 1970's a drunk driver collided with a tree in Niger. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT.
The Land Down Under (Australia)
1. There is a underground town in Australia called Coober Pedy.
2. Australia has 685 nation parks, making it the country with the most in the world.
3. There is a completely pink lake called Lake Hillier in Australia.
4. Once, the Australian Prime Minister swam out into the ocean. He was never seen again.
5. Another Australian Prime Minister once shat themselves in McDonalds...
6. There's more camels in Australia than in Egypt.
Speaking of Egypt...
1. Egypt actually has less ancient pyramids than Sudan.
2. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only ancient wonder of the world that still exists.
3. 95% of Egypt's population lives next to the Nile.
4. Egypt is considered by many the squarest country in the world.
''But what about Equatorial Guine-''
No. Most of the country lives in Malabo, which is in a pretty far away island, so no. Equatorial Guinea is not a square.