[UPDATED] Trying to Get a Comment From Every Country
Last updated: Thursday July 25th, 2024
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First of all, i want to say thanks for all the comments! I didn't think the blog would be this successful!
Now, I was thinking of either updating the same blog or if I should make new blogs, and i came to the conclusion that I should update the blog every week or so.
Also, I think i will update the map either every Thursday or every Saturday.
Anyways, here's the new map! (There's no need in showing the old map because all countries are colored in red.)

Every comment matters! If you're from Indonesia, Italy, Madagascar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, whatever! If your country/state is in red, comment where you're from and I'll color your country in green!
By the way, if i accidentally missed a comment, I'm sorry! I will make sure to add your country in the next update.
I agree with baptistegorce though, I think it would be better to update rather than posting a new blog. Maybe adding maps to show the difference?
Just my opinion, it's your blog, and you should make it your own way!
I thought I'd get even more specific and say I'm from:
And more specific still:
East Sussex.
Also, I like this idea.
#bigfootwillkickbuttevery time you update the blog u should add a number of people represented by the countries and number of people left needed
I don’t think a new blog needs to be created every time, maybe only once a week or every 5 days, just so the blogs get seen.