The Headline Editorial: Republicans and Democrats are Hypocrites


Vaccinations and Abortions

Since the pandemic began, Republicans and Conservatives and opposed mask mandates and social distancing guidelines and favored re-opening, even when it puts at risk the lives of many citizens. Democrats and Liberals have had the opposite opinion, even when it may slow economic progress. This was one of the main deciding factors in the presidential election, including President Trump's terrible handling of the pandemic.

When vaccines became widely available, partially credited to Trump's Operation Warp Speed and partially due to Biden's mass production of vaccines and other measures implemented by his administration, Republicans began opposing vaccine mandates, with Democrats favoring them. One of Republicans reasons was very simple. "The government shouldn't tell people what to do with their bodies." One thing that we must remember though is there stance on abortion. Women shouldn't "kill the unborn.' In other words, the government should control what women do with their bodies. But now they say the government shouldn't control what you do with your bodies.

And with Democrats, it's the exact opposite. On abortion, your body your choice. On vaccines, you have no choice.

An example of the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Amy Coney Barrett vs. Merrick Garland 

In 2016, Republicans held open a Supreme Court seat for 8 month because they claimed in an election year, the winner should decide who fills the seat. Merrick Garland (the current Attorney General) was nominated by Barack Obama. Merrick Garland was a moderate. Most senate Republicans said that it was wrong. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) even said that if a similar situation arouse in 2020 that he would oppose the nominee, even if it was a Conservative. Yet in 2020, after RBG died, less than 3 months before the election, Republicans broke their rule for a simple reason. It benefited them. They broke a promise to the American people just so they could confirm a conservative justice.

FOX News

Perhaps the largest hypocrites in the world, FOX News will stop at nothing to derail Democrats and portray Republicans as the true American hero's. Whenever Democrats do something, FOX hosts call it wrong. When Republicans do the same thing or something similar, they call it the right thing to do. For example, when BLM protesters were out in the streets in the summer of 2020, one of their guests suggested that police "Shoot 'em all" and "forget that politically correct garbage." Keep in mind that the particular protest they were covering was non violent. But when insurrectionists stormed the Michigan state capitol, the first thing Tucker Carlson said to one of the insurrectionists was "Thank you for expressing your constitutional rights." He was of course referring to the First Amendment. Something which FOX News is not afraid to abuse.

Conservative and Hypocritical FOX News host Tucker Carlson. 
Level 34
Sep 24, 2021
Amazing blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 84
Sep 24, 2021
I respect your opinions, but I disagree with a few of them.
Level 69
Sep 24, 2021
Feel free to share which one's you disagree with.
Level 71
Sep 24, 2021
You make pretty good points here. I think most politicians are just bad people in general, so it doesn't surprise me how hypocritical they are.

However, I would like to point that abortion and vaccination aren't really comparable. Abortion doesn't matter to the community, just the individual. Meanwhile, vaccination matters to the community. I think that individuals should be allowed to make decisions if it only impacts themselves, but when the lives of others are at stake, it's okay to take away some freedom. It's fine if you disagree with me, just wanted to mention this.

Level 69
Sep 24, 2021
I completely agree.
Level 65
Sep 25, 2021
I hate all politicans
Level 51
Sep 25, 2021
For 1., I believe in the principle that you should be able to do whatever you want to do, unless it affects other people.
Level 67
Sep 25, 2021
I really disagree with one of your points, regarding Trump's handling of the pandemic.

Most deaths weren't actually his fault, as governors had the final call on all decisions, including lockdowns, required masking, required vaccinations, capacity level, and treatment logistics.

par example, Andrew Cuomo easily killed 30,000 by shipping COVID patients into nursing homes.

Level 71
Sep 25, 2021
lol Trump is dumb it is his fault
Level 51
Sep 26, 2021
Trump lead his die-hard supporters into believing his conspiracy theories about COVID-19, and most of the Republican governors listened to what he said and... yeah...
Level 67
Sep 25, 2021
Also the summer riots literally destroyed multiple businesses close to me that never reopened, including an Ulta Beauty, a Foot Locker, and a few smaller businesses.
Level 69
Sep 25, 2021
That's unfourtunate but a vast majority of BLM protests were peaceful. I myself attended around 6 last summer and the most "violent" they got was when one person water bottle at a police car driving by.
Level 67
Sep 26, 2021
Yes, a lot of them were peaceful, but Philadelphia and Minneapolis were ravaged completely. The main problem here is that while most people didn't support them, the higher-ups at the organization said that property damage cannot be equated with loss of life, basically saying that it is an appropriate reaction.
Level 69
Sep 26, 2021
Again, a vast majority were peaceful.

It's unfortunate that some of their leaders would say that (I'm unaware they did) property damage is acceptable, but it is not. And on that, I agree with you.